Lobey Dosser Statue
Lobey Dosser Statue
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Dumbarton, UK44 مساهمة
فبراير 2022
As other reviews of this piece, the eponymous Lobey Dosser, his 2-legged horse El Fidelio (Elfi) and the villain Rank Badyin are 3 of the principle characters from Bud Neil's cartoon, shown in a typical pose with the recent arrested and soon to be escaped Rank Badyin riding behind Lobey on Elfi.
The statue was erected by public subscription, with both concept and fund administration by Tom Shields, then (humourous) diarist with the Glasgow Herald newspaper in 1992.
Finding a copy may prove difficult, but a collection of Bud's original stories "Lobey's the Wee Boy" has been published.
The statue was erected by public subscription, with both concept and fund administration by Tom Shields, then (humourous) diarist with the Glasgow Herald newspaper in 1992.
Finding a copy may prove difficult, but a collection of Bud's original stories "Lobey's the Wee Boy" has been published.
كُتب بتاريخ 16 يوليو 2022
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Ayrshire, UK9,630 مساهمة
الأصدقاء • أغسطس 2021
This little fun statue is quite quirky but its fairly small and a bit out of the way, so I wouldn't go out of my way to find it.
كُتب بتاريخ 2 مارس 2022
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Knaresborough, UK5,425 مساهمة
يوليو 2020
During recent visits to Dundee I was delighted to see statues in the city centre commemorating cartoon characters from my childhood comics that were printed in the city, and just as those statues of Desperate Dan etc are important references to a specific part of Scottish culture, so is the Lobey Dosser statue in Glasgow.
This statue was erected by public subscription in 1992 in memory of Scottish cartoonist Bud Neill (1911-1970). Believed to be the world’s only two-legged equestrian statue, it shows Sheriff Lobey Dosser and his arch-nemesis Rank Bajin riding Lobey’s faithful steed, El Fideldo, or Elfie as she is known. The characters are from a cartoon strip written and drawn by Neill, which took Glasgow humour and transported it to the Wild West of Arizona, in a town called Calton Creek, inspired by the Calton area of Glasgow.
Lobey and his motley crew had a seven year run in the Evening Times, starting in 1949, with the series then continued in the Sunday Mail. After Neill’s passing in 1970, the series developed somewhat of a cult following, and many of the cartoons are now collected in book form.
Situated halfway along Woodlands Road, between Charing Cross and the University of Glasgow, the statue stands opposite the pub where it was initially conceived. And if you are interested, another character from the series, G.I. Bride, has her own statue, which was erected in Partick train station in 2011. The location is apt as during the comic strip, G.I. Bride was always trying to get back to Scotland, specifically, as she pronounced it in “posh” Glaswegian style, to “Pertick.”
This statue was erected by public subscription in 1992 in memory of Scottish cartoonist Bud Neill (1911-1970). Believed to be the world’s only two-legged equestrian statue, it shows Sheriff Lobey Dosser and his arch-nemesis Rank Bajin riding Lobey’s faithful steed, El Fideldo, or Elfie as she is known. The characters are from a cartoon strip written and drawn by Neill, which took Glasgow humour and transported it to the Wild West of Arizona, in a town called Calton Creek, inspired by the Calton area of Glasgow.
Lobey and his motley crew had a seven year run in the Evening Times, starting in 1949, with the series then continued in the Sunday Mail. After Neill’s passing in 1970, the series developed somewhat of a cult following, and many of the cartoons are now collected in book form.
Situated halfway along Woodlands Road, between Charing Cross and the University of Glasgow, the statue stands opposite the pub where it was initially conceived. And if you are interested, another character from the series, G.I. Bride, has her own statue, which was erected in Partick train station in 2011. The location is apt as during the comic strip, G.I. Bride was always trying to get back to Scotland, specifically, as she pronounced it in “posh” Glaswegian style, to “Pertick.”
كُتب بتاريخ 7 أغسطس 2020
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West Kilbride, UK1,517 مساهمة
يونيو 2020
Bud Neill was a Scottish cartoonist who had fame within Glasgow in the 1940's through to the 1960's, and after his death in 1970, got a worldwide cult following.
He had a love on horses and one of his creation was the "El Fideldo" (Elfie), the trusted two legged companion of Sheriff Lobey Dosser, who together keep the law in Calton Creek (a little Arizona town made up of people from Glasgow)
A quirky little tribute to Bud, with Lobby and Elfie taking away Rank Bajin (Calton Creek's resident villain) located in the west end of Glasgow.
Rather blink and you miss it, as its not all that big, but a charming little statue in Glasgow.
He had a love on horses and one of his creation was the "El Fideldo" (Elfie), the trusted two legged companion of Sheriff Lobey Dosser, who together keep the law in Calton Creek (a little Arizona town made up of people from Glasgow)
A quirky little tribute to Bud, with Lobby and Elfie taking away Rank Bajin (Calton Creek's resident villain) located in the west end of Glasgow.
Rather blink and you miss it, as its not all that big, but a charming little statue in Glasgow.
كُتب بتاريخ 26 يونيو 2020
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12,069 مساهمة
زوجان • أغسطس 2018
The Lobey Dosser cartoon character made real in the West End of Glasgow. This cartoon character used to appear in local Glasgow newspapers back in the 50s. This is statue of Lobey Dosser and his two legged horse. Worth a visit if you're in the area or a big fan. It's not really close to any of the major tourist attractions of Glasgow.
كُتب بتاريخ 5 يونيو 2019
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جلاسكو, UK2,290 مساهمة
بمفردك • فبراير 2019
I don't remember Lobey Dosser but my parents and their families used to talk about this cartoon character in the Evening Times newspaper. This statue is Lobey Dosser and is a tribute to its creator. It has been situated opposite the Annan art gallery in Woodlands Road since 1992. I have driven past it hundreds of times and not noticed it. Today I walked past and there it was. A fitting tribute. Doubt if many tourists will see it, but I am sure the locals do.
كُتب بتاريخ 4 فبراير 2019
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جلاسكو, UK186,307 مساهمات
بمفردك • ديسمبر 2018
The Lobey Dosser cartoon character made real in the West End of Glasgow. Not something you'll likely know about unless you happen to be Glaswegian or read newspapers back in the day. This cartoon character used to appear in local Glasgow newspapers back in the 50s. This statue of Lobey Dosser and his two legged horse epitomizes the sheer silliness of the comic strip. Worth a visit if you're in the area or a big fan, but probably not if it's out of the way as it's not really close to any of the major tourist attractions of Glasgow.
كُتب بتاريخ 1 يناير 2019
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Largs, UK655 مساهمة
الأصدقاء • سبتمبر 2018
Great to see this statue remembering Bud Neill's creation of Lobey Doser and his two legged horse El Fideldo (Elfie). Well worth going to see it just for a photo.
كُتب بتاريخ 1 أكتوبر 2018
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جلاسكو, UK2,930 مساهمة
زوجان • أبريل 2018
I am sure that there might be a few people left who would remember Lobey Dosser who was a character in The Evening Times newspaper's cartoon strip before I was born in the 50's but I remember my father often talking fondly about it.
I met Tony Morrow , one of the artists responsible.
I met Tony Morrow , one of the artists responsible.
كُتب بتاريخ 6 مايو 2018
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I lived in curled st and there was a working man's hostel in jordan St my mum said that lobby dossier lived in the house and would come for me if I did not be a good boy
كُتب بتاريخ 10 أغسطس 2018
Yes, I believe that the cartoonist took the name for the cartoon strip from "Lobby dosser" meaning a homeless person who slept in the close of a tenement. If you are interested then the statue is on Woodlands Road near the Halt Bar.
You can also find the GI Bride - another of the characters from the cartoon strip at Partick rail/underground station.
كُتب بتاريخ 11 أغسطس 2018
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