18th Arrondissement
18th Arrondissement
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Murmansk, روسيا34,571 مساهمة
بمفردك • أغسطس 2023
With most tourists discovering Paris either from Charles de Gaulle or Orly airports or from one of the Paris train stations, I discovered Paris two decades ago from the rue Poissonnières in Montmartre, where I took us to a small, typically Parisian, hotel bus. It came as a shock to my roommate from Pskov, who was travelling abroad for the first time, that Paris in Montmartre was predominantly African-Arab, at least in the Barbet-Rochechoir metro area. Naturally, Montmartre and the entire 18th arrondissement have become even more colorful over the years, but it seems that tourists care more about this than the French themselves. At least the Parisians. Since Paris is expensive, and more expensive in recent years, the first reason to be in the 18th arrondissement is to settle here, which is what I did last time I visited. Montmartre and the blocks around it are still winning big in price, and that's motive! The second motive, of course, is Montmartre itself. Of course, there is no early 20th-century atmosphere (or cheap rental housing!) that attracted a host of artists here. There are artists, as are cafes, but it's more stylization. Many tourists are attracted to Sacré-Coeur. I can't understand what's good about this monster church built after the Paris Commune. As in the similar Notre Dame de la Garde in Marseille and Notre Dame de Fourvière. Well, except for location. Tasteless, eclectic. But tastes are known... The point of building Sacré-Coeur here was that many of the chiefs of the Commune were from here. This, in turn, was the result of Baron Haussmann's urban planning policy, which tore down old Paris and forced the migration of the poor, who could not even afford rented housing in the new mansions on the Grand Boulevards. Here are the new sledges and avenging the Grand Boulevards in 1871. In addition to the monster Sacré-Coeur in the 18th you can see Moulin Rouge, Montmartre cemetery, Dali Museum. The famous cabaret still works. Moulin Rouge basks in the glory of the past. Now, of course, there are worse spectacles, but Paris is not Bangkok, so the process is under way. And the movie was made again... A visit to the cemetery is for the amateur. Many celebrities are buried in the 11 hectares of the cemetery: physicist Ampere, painter Degas, composers Berlioz and Offenbach, singer Dalida, architect Montferrand, close to the Russian heart, poet Heinrich Geine, writer Dumas-son, dancer Nijinsky. The Dali Museum contains many exhibits, but the famous paintings are not there: only graphics and sculptures, albeit on themes known from the paintings... I'd prefer the centre to Pompidou...
كُتب بتاريخ 26 يوليو 2024
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Thomas V
Oakland, كاليفورنيا17,530 مساهمة
زوجان • ديسمبر 2023
In this part of town, you will find Montmartre, a steep hill in the middle of the city that was the home of many artists over 100 years ago. Then it became a fashionable place to live. The provides some great perspectives of the city below. On top is the Sacre Coeur church. Be prepared: Following the "Amelie" movie, this area has been completely discovered and you will run into many tourists. Still it is a good place to wander.
كُتب بتاريخ 8 فبراير 2024
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Neil K
ليفربول, UK829,647 مساهمة
الأصدقاء • مايو 2023
The 18th Arrondissement is an absolutely amazing district of Paris to visit if you're planning a holiday to the city of light,centred around Buttes Montmartre ,this former artists " village " perched stop La Butte is and always has been a great place to visit ,once home to artists such as Picasso and Dali ,you can still feel the artistic vibe visiting square's such as Place Du Tertre ,the crowning glory of this arrondissement is obviously the wonderful Basilica Sacre Coeur but there's so much more to this district ,the beautiful old winding streets that descend the hill packed with great pubs,bars,cafés and restaurants and great architecture are a joy to visit ,I read one review that stated " it's been discovered " which is an opinion I agree with but when does it mean it was discovered as I've been visiting this district for close to 40 years and it was as popular back then as it is now ,there are crowds and rightly so as there's so much to enjoy here ,it's a fabulous arrondissement that's most definitely well worth exploring if you're planning a holiday to Paris.
كُتب بتاريخ 27 مايو 2023
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Gonzalo Fernández Fernández
Ribeira, إسبانيا4,573 مساهمة
سبتمبر 2022
En este distrito se encuentra el famoso Montmartre, con el Moulin Rouge y su famosa Catedral, mucha historia.
كُتب بتاريخ 14 سبتمبر 2022
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Thomas V
Oakland, كاليفورنيا17,530 مساهمة
يونيو 2022
We once lived here and loved being around the great food and all the 19th century history. Plus the wonderful views. Landmarks here, terrific architecture. But now it's been totally discovered so be prepared for crowds, all over and all the time.
كُتب بتاريخ 20 يونيو 2022
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فلورنسا, إيطاليا13,367 مساهمة
مايو 2022
Ci sono quartieri che mantengono la fama, nonostante la loro attuale decadenza: l’XVIII è uno di questi.
Va bene che c’è la presenza della Basilica del Sacro Cuore ma l’essenza per cui era diventato famoso e popolare era legata al fascino di Montmartre e degli artisti che lo popolavano.
Ora quel sentimento è scomparso: il turismo ha massificato tutto e la sua caratteristica si è ormai persa.
Place de Tertre, un tempo ritrovo di artisti squattrinati ora è meta di orde di turisti alla ricerca di opere artistiche; dei vecchi mulini che tanti pittori hanno
immortalato non c’è più traccia.
E per quanto riguarda Pigalle ed il Moulin Rouge, ha perso l’aria “peccaminosa” di un tempo.
Qualcosa di autentico è rimasto: certe piccole boulangerie, certi fiorai, certi artigiani.
Molti ristoranti tutti uguali e tanta sporcizia.
Va bene che c’è la presenza della Basilica del Sacro Cuore ma l’essenza per cui era diventato famoso e popolare era legata al fascino di Montmartre e degli artisti che lo popolavano.
Ora quel sentimento è scomparso: il turismo ha massificato tutto e la sua caratteristica si è ormai persa.
Place de Tertre, un tempo ritrovo di artisti squattrinati ora è meta di orde di turisti alla ricerca di opere artistiche; dei vecchi mulini che tanti pittori hanno
immortalato non c’è più traccia.
E per quanto riguarda Pigalle ed il Moulin Rouge, ha perso l’aria “peccaminosa” di un tempo.
Qualcosa di autentico è rimasto: certe piccole boulangerie, certi fiorai, certi artigiani.
Molti ristoranti tutti uguali e tanta sporcizia.
كُتب بتاريخ 14 يونيو 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Greater Sydney, أستراليا21,219 مساهمة
ديسمبر 2021
This would have to be the most eclectic, of all the Arr, there is something for everyone, the restaurants are enticing, as well as the local open are market, for us one our faves is visiting the many second hand clothing shops, that have incredible bargains.
كُتب بتاريخ 9 يناير 2022
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جنيف, سويسرا26,889 مساهمة
سبتمبر 2021
Cet arrondissement abrite de nombreuses attractions intéressantes: le quartier de Montmartre, la place du Tertre (qui n'est plus ce qu'elle était), le Sacré Coeur, la place Dalida, Pigalle et la rue Lepic. Mais c'est également un quartier défavorisé du côté de Barbes, où il n'est pas très recommandé de circuler le soir. Et il faut ajouter les pickpockets du quartier de Montmartre qui ne font que délabrer le sentiment d'insécurité qui augmente chaque année.
كُتب بتاريخ 12 أكتوبر 2021
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باريس, فرنسا3,268 مساهمة
بمفردك • أغسطس 2021
Dans ce quartier connu surtout pour son Sacré Cœur, une église orthodoxe de style néoroman et 19 ème, l’église orthodoxe St Sava . Extérieur simple mais avec sur le tympan , l’icône de St Sava , le 1 er archevêque de l’église orthodoxe serbe au 13 ème siècle. A l’origine , le " Temple de Montmartre " jusqu’en 1964 . Puis , ayant été désertée , elle a été attribuée à la communauté orthodoxe serbe . De gros travaux y ont été réalisés dans les années 90 , et elle est maintenant superbe !!! Magnifique iconostase ornée de figures de saints , et très belles i ôtes . Elle a aussi été dotée de peintures murales extraordinaires. Le plafond , le " Ciel " consacré à la fête de la Pentecôte est époustouflant !!! Ainsi que le dessus du balcon . Tout est financé par les dons des fidèles. Dépaysement assuré, ainsi que calme et sérénité. Pas connue , mais à voir absolument… accessible uniquement de 9 h a 13 h.
كُتب بتاريخ 11 أغسطس 2021
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باريس, فرنسا96,293 مساهمة
يناير 2021
Le 18ème arrondissement se situe au Nord de la capitale, en bordure du boulevard périphérique, il s'étend de la Porte de Saint Ouen à la Porte d'Aubervilliers. Il est connu pour ses sites touristiques tels que le Moulin Rouge, le Moulin de la Galette, le quartier Pigalle, Montmartre avec sa place du Tertre, ses peintres, son château d'eau, son cimetière et la place Dalida. Ses églises dont la renommée basilique du Sacré Coeur avec le funiculaire, l'église Saint Pierre de Montmartre, Saint Jean de Montmartre, Notre Dame de Clignancourt, Saint Bernard de la Chapelle. Les squares Louise Michel et Marcel Bleustein Blanchet aux abords du Sacré Coeur, les squares Jehan Rictus et Suzanne Buisson et le Jardin d'Eole. Le Carrousel de Montmartre au pied du Sacré Coeur. Pour les amateurs de street art, des peintres ont réalisé des oeuvres dont certaines sont remplacées avec le temps. On les trouve plus particulièrement dans le secteur des rues d'Aubervilliers, Riquet et Ordener. Leurs localisations se trouvent en légende des photos jointes.
كُتب بتاريخ 7 يناير 2021
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