Museum Ulm
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زوجان • سبتمبر 2023
Surprising atmosphere after reading negative reviews. The city is compact, atmospheric with beautiful pieces of ancient culture. Water in a city always feels like an extra to me ;-)
كُتب بتاريخ 24 سبتمبر 2023
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Monika S
Umkirch, ألمانيا4,103 مساهمات
أغسطس 2020
dieses Museum sollte zusammen mit der Kunsthalle Weishaupt bei keinem Ulm-Besuch fehlen! Das ganze Spektrum von der Frühgeschichte mit den ältesten Kunst-Exponaten der Menschheit (Löwenmensch, meine Skizze & mehr) bis zu unserer Zeit – mit lebendiger, erlebbarer Ulmer Geschichte von der Frühe und dem Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Vom Skulpturen-Dachgarten bis unten voller Überraschungen! Großartiger Blick von oben und der Brücke zwischen den Museen! Kein Museumspass! Kombi-Ticket für beide Museen!
كُتب بتاريخ 29 أغسطس 2020
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Ludwigsburg, ألمانيا4,518 مساهمة
يناير 2020
...ich erst finden, nachdem ich jemanden gefragt hatte. Das Museum steht gegenüber der Kunsthalle Weishaupt und dem Rathaus, aber der Eingang ist erstaunlich in der Kunsthalle Weishaupt. Von dort geht es über eine Brücke zum Museum Ulm im oberen Stockwerk.
Dieses und das nächst darunter liegende ist jedoch nicht mein Ziel, es gibt dort riesige Ölgemälde christlicher Darstellungen, mein Ziel ist die dortige
Sensation, der Löwenmensch und alles was dort noch weiteres geboten wird. Das ist in der 1. Etage, dort wird etwas ausgestellt, was wahrscheinlich vor 35 000 Jahren von einem Künstler geschaffen wurde.
Dazumuß man sagen, von diesem kleinen Kunstwerk wurde im Jahr 1939 ein kleiner Teil gefunden. Der Krieg brach aus und der damalige Fund wurde in einem Archiv vergessen.
Im Jahr 2009 hat man dann weitere Einzelstücke in dieser Höhle gefunden, man hatte dann 300 Einzelteile, die man bis zum Jahr 2013 zusammengesetzt hatte. Hier sieht man nun das wahrscheinlich älteste Kunstwerk der Menschheit !!!
Es gibt in dieser Abteilung aber noch weitere Funde aus der Jungsteinzeit bis zu den Funden aus der Römerzeit, alles was mir besonders gefällt.
Nicht nur dieses ist im Museum zu erblicken, so eine Zeichnung mit dem Kopf von Albert Einstein, gezeichnet von Max Liebermann, dem berühmten Maler aus Berlin, auch einige Bilder von Picasso sind dort, aber so genau habe ich mir nicht alles anschauen können. Ein weiterer Besuch dort steht an.
Dieses und das nächst darunter liegende ist jedoch nicht mein Ziel, es gibt dort riesige Ölgemälde christlicher Darstellungen, mein Ziel ist die dortige
Sensation, der Löwenmensch und alles was dort noch weiteres geboten wird. Das ist in der 1. Etage, dort wird etwas ausgestellt, was wahrscheinlich vor 35 000 Jahren von einem Künstler geschaffen wurde.
Dazumuß man sagen, von diesem kleinen Kunstwerk wurde im Jahr 1939 ein kleiner Teil gefunden. Der Krieg brach aus und der damalige Fund wurde in einem Archiv vergessen.
Im Jahr 2009 hat man dann weitere Einzelstücke in dieser Höhle gefunden, man hatte dann 300 Einzelteile, die man bis zum Jahr 2013 zusammengesetzt hatte. Hier sieht man nun das wahrscheinlich älteste Kunstwerk der Menschheit !!!
Es gibt in dieser Abteilung aber noch weitere Funde aus der Jungsteinzeit bis zu den Funden aus der Römerzeit, alles was mir besonders gefällt.
Nicht nur dieses ist im Museum zu erblicken, so eine Zeichnung mit dem Kopf von Albert Einstein, gezeichnet von Max Liebermann, dem berühmten Maler aus Berlin, auch einige Bilder von Picasso sind dort, aber so genau habe ich mir nicht alles anschauen können. Ein weiterer Besuch dort steht an.
كُتب بتاريخ 20 يناير 2020
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Cravant-les-Coteaux, فرنسا154 مساهمة
ديسمبر 2019
Expositions temporaires du peintre allemand P.Kleinschmidt et de la sculptrice allemande S.Alhaüser, remarquable exposition archéologique, avec en particulier des sculptures "âgées" de 40 000 ans du Löwenmensch, trouvées dans le Lorental tout proche d'Ulm (vallée classée au patrimoine de l'Unesco)
كُتب بتاريخ 4 يناير 2020
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
فلورنسا, إيطاليا325 مساهمة
أغسطس 2019
Si tratta di un mueso dalle esposizioni molto eterogenee, ma comunque interessante sia nella parte più locale che in quella artistica generale (in particolare la sezione di arte contemporanea)
Pezzo forte della parte archeologica l'originale di una statuetta zoomorfa di cui è frequente trovare copie in altri musei tedeschi.
Per la gioia dei bambini, vi sono anche numerosi plastici di monumenti o di aree della città.
Pezzo forte della parte archeologica l'originale di una statuetta zoomorfa di cui è frequente trovare copie in altri musei tedeschi.
Per la gioia dei bambini, vi sono anche numerosi plastici di monumenti o di aree della città.
كُتب بتاريخ 17 أغسطس 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
فرانكفورت, ألمانيا64 مساهمة
بمفردك • مارس 2019
If you want to see some modern art in Ul , this museum is the opportunity for it.
Ticket prices are available for eveyone (?!)
Ticket prices are available for eveyone (?!)
كُتب بتاريخ 9 مايو 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
ميونخ, ألمانيا3,277 مساهمة
زوجان • أبريل 2019
take your time. there is enough to discover. the most famous figure in the museum is the 'lion man' carved out of a mammoth tooth (i think to remember). interesting is the story around this figure that at first when it was discovered they found only some pieces not really knowing what these pieces were going to form. years later the archeologists went back to find more pieces and put this awesome figure together.
the house was once owned by wealthy Ulmers. look at the beautiful ceiling, door carvings, the table. and more....
the house was once owned by wealthy Ulmers. look at the beautiful ceiling, door carvings, the table. and more....
كُتب بتاريخ 17 أبريل 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Fritz S
Rothenburg, ألمانيا110 مساهمات
زوجان • أبريل 2019
Wir haben den Besuch sehr genossen, nachdem wir die Systematik der Ausstellung erfasst hatten. Da ist für jeden was dabei, insbesondere die thematisch abgegrenzten Nischen weckten die Neugierde immer aufs Neue. Zur Gesamtsicht sollte man viel Zeit mitbringen. Alt-Steinzeit, Mittelalter, Moderne, alles ist ansprechend dargestellt.
كُتب بتاريخ 12 أبريل 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Ulm, ألمانيا33 مساهمة
العائلة • مارس 2019
Ja, man muss sich zurechtfinden, das ist die Herausforderung, aber es lohnt jede Stunde: Weltsensation Löwenmensch vorneweg, das älteste bekannte Kunstwerk der Menschheit, dazu bedeutende Kunstwerke und Sammlungen aus der mittelalterlichen Ulmer Blütezeit im späten Mittelalter, grossartiger Saal im historischen Kiechelhaus bis hin zur erstklassigen Sammlung an zeitgenössischen internationalen Künstlern und zur Geschichte der Hochschule für Gestaltung, dem Nachfolger des Bauhauses - das Haus bietet enorm viel auch für Jugendliche - viel mehr als man im unspektakulären Eingang auch nur entfernt vermuten kann... Abwechslungsreich und unterhaltsam ein Rundgang dort !
كُتب بتاريخ 1 أبريل 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Luxembourg City, لكسمبورج10,320 مساهمة
بمفردك • أغسطس 2018
The Ulm city Museum is exclusively oriented to History of Art and Culture. It a nice building in renaissance style which was inaugurated in 1925. That inauguration ment the closing of the Craft Museum and the pertinent replacement thereof. Still nowadays it's ascertainable that a larger part of the collection Alter Kunst (Ancient Art) is an acquisition of the Verein für Kuns und Altertum (Association of Art and Antiques) in Ulm and Upper Swabia. The valuable items held by this Association had been integrated in the Craft Museum thanks to the efforts made by its first Director, Dr. Gustav Leube. That Asociation was founded in 1841 to preserve and bring together the works from the region (archaeological findings) and carry out scientific research. The Association was also interested in baroque paintings and sculptures as well as in items calling up the history of the city. The works were housed in different buildings; sometimes they had to be removed to keep them safe in war time until they were placed in their present location (Kiechelhaus) in 1880/90. In 1913 and 1914 the buildings marked nowadays with numbers 92 and 94 of the Neue Straße were linked with Kiechelhaus thus connecting them inside with one another, which caused the collection to be for the first time in a historical and art history context. In that Museum it's possible to contemplate modern and contemporary works as well as works from the Middle Ages, and it's that fruitful coexistence of ancient and new art what characterises until today the activity of the Ulm Museum.
As far as the archaeological collection is concerned, the most outstanding examples thereof are findings concerning cultural past from the Danube Valley and Swabia, particularly objects made of stone, bone and metal. The contemplation of the “Lion Man” is very moving. It's an ivory structure dating back from the Old Stone Age which was discovered in a rather curious way and whose shape is really fascinating. That figure was carved on a mammoth tusk. It's the biggest and most spectacular object of a small set of tusk sculptures from Swabian caves. The sculptures concerned are older than 30.000 years and therefore the oldest ones in the world.
In relation to the scope of anthropology and archaeology it's exciting to see the bones appertaining to a thigh of a Neanderthal human being from a stone cave-barn. It's one of the few first skeletons from that type of person found in South Germany.
The art works from the Roman period are also remarkable. In the middle of the 1st century the Romans ruled the upper area with reference to the Danube as the North frontier of the Raetia province. At the end of the said century the forts at the South of the Danube gave up. After the year 260 the Romans moved again to a line South of the mentioned river and East of Iller strand. Many merchants, dealers, innkeepers and artisans remained in the camp villages near the forts. In the cemeteries down the streets some precious objects were recovered through excavation, such as pottery and jewlery. Those villages were eventually also market villages in which the farm owners offered for sale their agricultural products. There were farms on the valleys on both sides of the rivers Danube and Iller. The size and the structure of the estates have been appraised thanks to the excavations and the aerial photograph archaeology. The Alemanni – people having a Germanic root – colonized the inland area of the border fortifications which the Romans had abandoned. In the sixth and seventh centuries, when the Alemanni were already under Franconian domination, large grave fields, known as “Reihengräberfiedhöfe” were occupied as knowing that they were the lasting structure elements which they had left, and from many of those places early Middle Ages villages and cities originated. The hitherto largest graveyard, with at least 450 burials, was found in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Ulm city area when the railroad to Blaubeuren was being built. The bronze statues of Mercury – Roman God of the dealers, merchants and thieves – were hidden in the ground together with some other objects made of bronze during the Alemanni invasion and they are exhibited in the Museum concerned.
In it one can also behold fine works of the late gothic period in Ulm and Swabia. Among them some wooden and sandstone sculptures, such as the Virgin and the Child from the thirteenth century, the Pieta (wood, 1430), Christ and the palm donkey (wood, 1464), the bust of Maria Magdalena (wood, 1475) and St. Christophorus (sandstone, 1480) are really outstanding. Some paintings of the stated period exhibited in the Museum such as a fragment of a larger panel presumably depicting Christ's birth (1420), the Hostienmühlenretabel (reredos of the consecrated wafer's mill), the Encounter at the golden gate (1475) and the Visitation of Mary (around 1495) are really remarkable.
Very beautiful samples of the art from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries can also be observed there. In this sense, the crucial point of the gallery dedicated to baroque art refers to the eighteenth century. There are works by the predominant painters from the Upper Swabia and the Bavarian region who were famous at that time. The most conspicuous one is Januarius Zick (1730 – 1797). The frescoes of the monasteries in Oberelchingen and Wiblingen (around 1780) are ascribable to him. The Reconciliation of the Sabines and Romans can be considered as his utmost masterpiece. It's distinctively clear that his style falls within the transition to classicism despite the profusion of colours, which is a typical feature of baroque style. Two scenes from the Old Testament by Johann Zick, from 1756, show a theatrical control of light which reminds Rembrandt's style. The other names of illustrious painters in the collection are Franz Anton Maulbertsch, Johann Jakob Zeiller, Franz Georg Hermann and Franz Anton Kraus. A beautiful picture by Franz Anton Maulbertsch which can be contemplated there is “Die Heilige Walburga mit ihren Brüdern Willibald und Wunibald” from 1749. Precious masterpieces are also “Die Heilige Margareta” (made of wood, around (1760) by Johann Georg Dirr, and the Standkrucifix made of silver and mountain crystal with a gilded plinth (1580/90) by Franz Hoffher.
In addition to the foregoing, the visit to that Museum gives one the opportunity to enjoy the observation of the masterpieces having belonged to the Ulm trader Christoph Weickmann. He was a typical representative of a new class of art collecting bourgeois. His art and natural cabinet is one of the few remaining examples of bourgeois collecting activity of the seventeenth century in Germany. As the oldest collection stock the collection constituted the primitive cell of the Ulm Museum. Among the masterpieces concerned it's possible to observe the “Kunstkammer der Regensburger Großeisenhándler – Familie Dimpel” (Art cabinet of the Regensburger iron wholesalesman – Family Dimpel) by Joseph Arnold (1668 (?)), the “Majolica Plate”, depicting the Emperor Constantine in the Milvian Bridge Battel (Urbino, 1545) and the “Temperantia Dish” by François Briot (1616).
It must be pointed out likewise that the Museum offers the possibility to learn about Ulm History by means of the exhibition of some plans, pictures and other items, such as the Bronzeguss (bronze cast) (1617) made by Hans Braun on a design by Johannes Kepler (Keplerkessel) and the Goblet of the Ulm traders by a city goldsmith, from 1607.
Finally, the modern and contemporary art sections are also particularly interesting, especially some paintings by Picasso, Juan Gris, Kandinsky and Erns Ludwig Kirchner.
By and large therefore the Ulm Museum is undeniably interesting and the visit thereof can be considered a must while in Ulm. It would no doubt be a great mistake to leave that city without having had the opportunity to see the marvels housed therein. Such a visit is therefore highly recommended.
As far as the archaeological collection is concerned, the most outstanding examples thereof are findings concerning cultural past from the Danube Valley and Swabia, particularly objects made of stone, bone and metal. The contemplation of the “Lion Man” is very moving. It's an ivory structure dating back from the Old Stone Age which was discovered in a rather curious way and whose shape is really fascinating. That figure was carved on a mammoth tusk. It's the biggest and most spectacular object of a small set of tusk sculptures from Swabian caves. The sculptures concerned are older than 30.000 years and therefore the oldest ones in the world.
In relation to the scope of anthropology and archaeology it's exciting to see the bones appertaining to a thigh of a Neanderthal human being from a stone cave-barn. It's one of the few first skeletons from that type of person found in South Germany.
The art works from the Roman period are also remarkable. In the middle of the 1st century the Romans ruled the upper area with reference to the Danube as the North frontier of the Raetia province. At the end of the said century the forts at the South of the Danube gave up. After the year 260 the Romans moved again to a line South of the mentioned river and East of Iller strand. Many merchants, dealers, innkeepers and artisans remained in the camp villages near the forts. In the cemeteries down the streets some precious objects were recovered through excavation, such as pottery and jewlery. Those villages were eventually also market villages in which the farm owners offered for sale their agricultural products. There were farms on the valleys on both sides of the rivers Danube and Iller. The size and the structure of the estates have been appraised thanks to the excavations and the aerial photograph archaeology. The Alemanni – people having a Germanic root – colonized the inland area of the border fortifications which the Romans had abandoned. In the sixth and seventh centuries, when the Alemanni were already under Franconian domination, large grave fields, known as “Reihengräberfiedhöfe” were occupied as knowing that they were the lasting structure elements which they had left, and from many of those places early Middle Ages villages and cities originated. The hitherto largest graveyard, with at least 450 burials, was found in the middle of the nineteenth century in the Ulm city area when the railroad to Blaubeuren was being built. The bronze statues of Mercury – Roman God of the dealers, merchants and thieves – were hidden in the ground together with some other objects made of bronze during the Alemanni invasion and they are exhibited in the Museum concerned.
In it one can also behold fine works of the late gothic period in Ulm and Swabia. Among them some wooden and sandstone sculptures, such as the Virgin and the Child from the thirteenth century, the Pieta (wood, 1430), Christ and the palm donkey (wood, 1464), the bust of Maria Magdalena (wood, 1475) and St. Christophorus (sandstone, 1480) are really outstanding. Some paintings of the stated period exhibited in the Museum such as a fragment of a larger panel presumably depicting Christ's birth (1420), the Hostienmühlenretabel (reredos of the consecrated wafer's mill), the Encounter at the golden gate (1475) and the Visitation of Mary (around 1495) are really remarkable.
Very beautiful samples of the art from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries can also be observed there. In this sense, the crucial point of the gallery dedicated to baroque art refers to the eighteenth century. There are works by the predominant painters from the Upper Swabia and the Bavarian region who were famous at that time. The most conspicuous one is Januarius Zick (1730 – 1797). The frescoes of the monasteries in Oberelchingen and Wiblingen (around 1780) are ascribable to him. The Reconciliation of the Sabines and Romans can be considered as his utmost masterpiece. It's distinctively clear that his style falls within the transition to classicism despite the profusion of colours, which is a typical feature of baroque style. Two scenes from the Old Testament by Johann Zick, from 1756, show a theatrical control of light which reminds Rembrandt's style. The other names of illustrious painters in the collection are Franz Anton Maulbertsch, Johann Jakob Zeiller, Franz Georg Hermann and Franz Anton Kraus. A beautiful picture by Franz Anton Maulbertsch which can be contemplated there is “Die Heilige Walburga mit ihren Brüdern Willibald und Wunibald” from 1749. Precious masterpieces are also “Die Heilige Margareta” (made of wood, around (1760) by Johann Georg Dirr, and the Standkrucifix made of silver and mountain crystal with a gilded plinth (1580/90) by Franz Hoffher.
In addition to the foregoing, the visit to that Museum gives one the opportunity to enjoy the observation of the masterpieces having belonged to the Ulm trader Christoph Weickmann. He was a typical representative of a new class of art collecting bourgeois. His art and natural cabinet is one of the few remaining examples of bourgeois collecting activity of the seventeenth century in Germany. As the oldest collection stock the collection constituted the primitive cell of the Ulm Museum. Among the masterpieces concerned it's possible to observe the “Kunstkammer der Regensburger Großeisenhándler – Familie Dimpel” (Art cabinet of the Regensburger iron wholesalesman – Family Dimpel) by Joseph Arnold (1668 (?)), the “Majolica Plate”, depicting the Emperor Constantine in the Milvian Bridge Battel (Urbino, 1545) and the “Temperantia Dish” by François Briot (1616).
It must be pointed out likewise that the Museum offers the possibility to learn about Ulm History by means of the exhibition of some plans, pictures and other items, such as the Bronzeguss (bronze cast) (1617) made by Hans Braun on a design by Johannes Kepler (Keplerkessel) and the Goblet of the Ulm traders by a city goldsmith, from 1607.
Finally, the modern and contemporary art sections are also particularly interesting, especially some paintings by Picasso, Juan Gris, Kandinsky and Erns Ludwig Kirchner.
By and large therefore the Ulm Museum is undeniably interesting and the visit thereof can be considered a must while in Ulm. It would no doubt be a great mistake to leave that city without having had the opportunity to see the marvels housed therein. Such a visit is therefore highly recommended.
كُتب بتاريخ 19 ديسمبر 2018
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