Outdoor Sevilla
Outdoor Sevilla
تجديف بقوارب الكياك وركوب الزوارقرحلات تسلقالتزلج على الأمواج وركوب الأمواج بالألواح الشراعيةجولات تزلج في الوديان وهبوط الجبال بالحبل
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Natalie K
إشبيلية, إسبانيا13 مساهمة
بمفردك • مارس 2016
I lived in Sevilla for 6 months as a student and went on several trips through Outdoor Sevilla. Most of the time getting to the coolest outdoor locations requires a car so I wasn't able to do any rock climbing trips of my own out of Sevilla, but Outdoor Sevilla offered a couple of fun trips where I was able to get out on the rock. During my favorite trip, I traveled with a group of 8 peers and 2 leaders from Sevilla to Sagres, Portugal to surf, rock climb, and explore the beaches. I was the most amazing trip of my entire study abroad experience.
I would 100% recommend Outdoor Sevilla to anyone studying in Sevilla or just passing through. I went on all of the trips alone and felt completely comfortable. The trip attendees are mainly international students so it is a GREAT way to meet other students interested in outdoor activities. All of the guides are pretty fluent in English and Spanish.
I would 100% recommend Outdoor Sevilla to anyone studying in Sevilla or just passing through. I went on all of the trips alone and felt completely comfortable. The trip attendees are mainly international students so it is a GREAT way to meet other students interested in outdoor activities. All of the guides are pretty fluent in English and Spanish.
كُتب بتاريخ 9 أغسطس 2016
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