‪Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini‬

‪Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini‬

‪Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini‬
‪10:00 ص - 07:00 م‬
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
10:00 ص - 07:00 م
آراء الناس
‪Tourists pay the rent.‬
1.0 من 5 دوائر‪مايو 2024‬
‪بالطبع يمكن أن يكون السياح مزعجين، ولكن إذا كانت الكنيسة تريد المال (فهو عمل تجاري في نهاية المطاف) فيبدو لي أن هناك حاجة إلى التسامح والمجاملة. أنا ملحد ولكني أبذل قصارى جهدي لأكون مهذبًا، لقد خرقت "قاعدة" عن غير قصد واستيقظت على ما تبين أنه الجزء العلوي من القبور على الأرض، مما تسبب في غضب أحد الموظفين الذكور بشدة - لقد لقد ماتوا لذلك ربما لم يهتموا! بالطبع الإشارة إلى خطأي أمر جيد، لكن العدوان وخاصة تجاه امرأة أكبر سناً؟ هناك الكثير من الغضب والعنف الذكوري في العالم، وخطيئتي البريئة لم تكن تبرر رده. ثم سألني "من أين أنت؟" لا يبدو هذا ذا صلة، لذا، لتجنب أي عنصرية، لم أجب. إن جعل التعليمات أكثر وضوحًا من شأنه أن يحد من الأخطاء المحتملة. إذا ارتكب الناس خطأً ما، أقترح الإشارة إلى ذلك بطريقة مناسبة، وأجرؤ على القول، بطريقة ودية، أو إذا كنت لا تحب أن يضع السائحون لافتة على الباب، فلا يمكنك الحصول على الأمرين معًا.‬

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4.0 من 5 دوائر319 تعليق
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تمت ترجمة هذه التعليقات آليًا من لغتها الأصلية.
قد تحتوي هذه الخدمة على ترجمات تم تقديمها من خلال Google. وتخلي Google مسؤوليتها من جميع الضمانات، صريحةً كانت أم ضمنيةً، المتعلقة بالترجمات، بما في ذلك أي ضمانات تتعلق بالدقة والموثوقية، وكذلك أي ضمانات ضمنية تتعلق بقابلية التسويق والملاءمة لغرض معين والخلو من التزييف.

أستراليا2,498 مساهمة
1.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪مايو 2024‬
‪Of course tourists can be annoying, however, if the church wants the money (it’s a business after all) it seems to me there’s a need for tolerance and courtesy.

I’m atheist but I do my best to be polite, I inadvertently broke a ‘rule’ and waked on what, turned out to be, the top of graves in the floor, this caused a male staff member to be very angry - they’re dead so they probably didn’t care!

Of course pointing out my mistake is fine, but aggression, especially towards an older woman?

There’s too much male anger and violence in the world, my innocent transgression didn’t warrant his response.

He then asked ‘where are you from’ this didn’t seem relevant so, to avoid any racism, I didn’t answer.

Making the instructions clearer would limit possible mistakes.

If people make a mistake I suggest that should be pointed out in an appropriate and, dare I say, friendly, manner, or, if you don’t like tourists put a sign on the door, you can’t have it both ways.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 31 مايو 2024
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Marina and Co. Ltd‬
سانت بطرسبرج, روسيا85,223 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪مايو 2023‬
‪As our guide Elena said, macabre lovers should look into the Capuchin Church of the Immaculate Conception - Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini (1626-1630), which stands on Via Vittorio Veneto, very close to Metro Barberini. In the temple itself there are several interesting frescoes: “The Healing of St. Paul” by Pietro da Cortona in the first chapel on the left, two Andrea Sacchi “St. Bonaventure” and “St. Anthony of Padua” to the right and left of the altar, and finally - Guido Reni with Lanfranco in the first and second chapel on the right. But the main interest here is in the museum and crypt, where all the decorations, from sacred subjects to baroque festoons, are made of skulls and human bones.☝️An interesting fact, since the 18th century this bizarre Capuchin invention was included in the obligatory list of attractions of the “Eternal City”, because the crypt admired not only the Marquis de Sade (which is understandable), but even the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.🤣 Entrance to the crypt is paid = 10 € per nose, and you can’t even take pictures!‬
كُتب بتاريخ 12 نوفمبر 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

دندي, UK45 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪أكتوبر 2023‬
‪14 year old son thought it was great, I was slightly ‘disturbed’ very interesting and the museum was a great build up and explanation but being faced with so many human bones and ‘mummified’ monks was quite a bizarre experience.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 17 أكتوبر 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Alberto B‬
‪Punta Marina Terme‬, إيطاليا809 مساهمات
5.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪سبتمبر 2022‬
‪the museum with the crypt made entirely from human bones
thrilling, but worth seeing
you are in the via Veneto area so you can also take a walk in the iconic street
كُتب بتاريخ 31 أغسطس 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Santo Tirso‬, البرتغال18,554 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪يونيو 2023‬
‪Leaving Barberini Square onto Via Veneto, the Church of Santa Maria da Conceição dos Capuchinhos is on the right side, after passing the bee fountain, and is somewhat obscured by large trees in front.
There are several steps that we have to climb to enter and when I arrived here there was at the door what seemed to me to be the priest belonging to this church and he asked me, with all the kindness and with a smile, where I was from and he was happy with my response. He welcomed me.
I found the request he made to me curious, to be careful and not step on the tombs with the inscriptions. So I did.
This church was built in the first half of the century. XVII and the interior is interesting, with the usual chapels on the side walls. I highlight the altar as the most beautiful area. The ceiling, interestingly, is relatively simple.
It has a loud choir and a pipe organ.
Overall, I found it to be a simpler church than most of those in Rome, quiet and off the traditional tourist trail, despite being close to Barberini Square, where hundreds of tourists pass through daily.
Entry to this church was free.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 2 أغسطس 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Hopeman‬, UK934 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪مايو 2023‬
‪Beautiful church located beside the Capuchine Crypt. The interior ceiling is stunning, and the church had a lovely, serene feel about it.

Well worth a visit‬
كُتب بتاريخ 6 مايو 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

المملكة المتحدة12,110 مساهمات
3.0 من 5 دوائر
‪يونيو 2022‬
‪This review is only on the church. The church is completely eclipsed by the Capuchin crypt which lies below it but Tripadvisor has a separate page for these reviews under the heading ‘Museum and Crypt of Capuchins (Rome)’.
Just about every tourist who heads up the church steps (including us), makes a beeline for the Capuchin crypt and bypasses the church altogether.
You can be forgiven for overlooking the church because it has quite a simple red brick facade with subtle contrasting architectural details in travertine. It’s not particularly eye-catching.
Built in 1631, it was commissioned by Pope Urban VIII.
Inside is also relatively plain. The Barberini bees from the Pope’s family crest swarm over the church with golden bees on the High altar and others on the wooden panelling and the holy water fonts.
The marble tomb slab in front of the altar belongs to another Barberini family member, Cardinal Antonio Barberini who was buried here in 1646 with the very humble inscription ‘Hic Iacet Pulvis Cinis et Nihil' (Here lies dust, ashes, and nothing).
Above the high altar is a large but rather conventional painting of ‘The Immaculate Conception’.
A more interesting painting of St Michael Conquering Satan (1630) can be seen in the first chapel on the right. Looking like some sort of Renaissance super-hero in a flowing red cape, St Michael has a sword raised above his head. He is about to plunge it, at any moment, into the devil who is pinned beneath his foot.
What’s most interesting here, is that the devil’s face looks an awful lot like Pope Innocent X. Guido Reni, the artist had a score to settle with the pope. Having heard that he’d openly criticised Reni’s work, the artist took his revenge by modelling Satan’s face on the pope himself. When challenged, he claimed that it wasn’t his fault that the pope happened to look just like the devil.
Entry to the church is free but to see the crypt, you’ll need to buy the combined museum/crypt ticket for €8.50.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 20 مارس 2023
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

1.0 من 5 دوائر
رجال الأعمال • ‪سبتمبر 2022‬
‪The place opens at 10, you arrive a little before with 5-6 persons before you, then when finally it opens they call huge groups of 20-40 tourists which were not in line, and they pass before you! Now even at the UFFIZI there are two lines, and each time the reserved enter, after the non reserved are also allowed, not here. The avidity of the organization who direct the cripta does not stop in front of the fact that in such small place it is exactly the groups bigger than 6 persons that should have restrictions and not the single individual visitors. Lastly it is more than 10 years that the transformation of this place into a money-machine has deprived the place of all the fascination it had when the cripta was FREE and only an offer was requested. Let us hope that priests have nothing to do with it.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 28 سبتمبر 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Carl-Magnus U‬
ستوكهولم, السويد5 مساهمات
2.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪أغسطس 2022‬
‪We arrived at 18:20 and was informed that they closed at 19:00. We paid the admission (EUR 8,50 pp) and expected to have 40 minutes. At 18:45 we were informed that they “closed soon”, and 5 minutes later a rude lady told us that they were closed and more or less ushered us out. Very impolite. They extra 10 minutes (that they stole from us) was the difference between being able to read the signs in the exhibition and not. Otherwise, the museum was interesting, so in conclusion , an interesting museum, but the visit was destroyed by the rude staff.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 4 أغسطس 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪francesco p‬
جنوه, إيطاليا2,357 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مايو 2022‬
‪Ubicata in pieno centro alla fine di via Veneto verso piazza Barberini, questa chiesa ha al suo interno due maravigliosi dipinti uno del Caravaggio l'altro a Mano di Guido Reni.
Sotto la chiesa è visitabile una cripta assai particolare, un ossario che raccoglie le ossa di circa 4000 cappuccini. il messaggio prima di accedere alla cripta vuol essere di monito, di riflessione, ve lo cito: quello che voi siete noi eravamo; quello che noi siamo voi sarete.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 29 مايو 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

عرض نتائج 1-10 من أصل 319
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تعليقات حول ‪Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini‬ - روما, إيطاليا - Tripadvisor

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