‪Piazza della Madonna‬

‪Piazza della Madonna‬

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‪Fagnano Olona‬, إيطاليا7,138 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪أبريل 2024‬
‪ see Madonnari in action as they finished some cheerful and colorful masterpieces!
The square comes alive and the statue of Pope John XXIII seems to bless all the walls of Loreto.
كُتب بتاريخ 9 نوفمبر 2024
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‪Cuneo‬, إيطاليا11,494 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪أكتوبر 2024‬
‪Once past the entrance and corridor of the Apostolic Palace, you arrive in the Piazza della Madonna.
At the center we find the beautiful Fontana Maggiore.
Opposite is the Basilica with its imposing and very high bell tower (75 meters).
At the top of the stairs, in the churchyard, on the left, we find the monument dedicated to Pope Sixtus V.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 10 أكتوبر 2024
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بريشيا, إيطاليا103 مساهمات
5.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪أغسطس 2024‬
‪Holy and wonderful place, very suggestive and for those who believe touches the heart, we recommend it, for us it is a mandatory stop on the way to the sea‬
كُتب بتاريخ 25 أغسطس 2024
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‪Santa Maria Capua Vetere‬, إيطاليا698 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪يونيو 2024‬
‪Night ride for insomnia. Very suggestive square with well-studied lighting. It is in a limited traffic zone, parking available all around‬
كُتب بتاريخ 11 يونيو 2024
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‪Lucia B‬
بوينس آيرس, الأرجنتين9,827 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪أغسطس 2023‬
‪The square is the meeting point within the complex of buildings that make up the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Loreto.
There is a beautiful fountain in the center surrounded by the galleries of the buildings that house the Santeria, offices... the imposing façade of the Basilica and some gastronomic or souvenir businesses.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 24 يناير 2024
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المملكة المتحدة11,932 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪يونيو 2023‬
‪Piazza Della Madonna is the largest square in Loreto and all of the main sights are clustered around it.
The Basilica and the Sanctuary of the Holy House dominate the piazza. Inside the beautiful basilica, is the humble, stone family home of Mary, mother of Jesus. It’s what all pilgrims and tourists to Loreto come to see.
Back on the piazza, the long, porticoed building that wraps around two sides of the piazza, is the Apostolic Palace. Designed by Bramante in 1507, the upper floor was a home-away-from-home for visiting bishops, cardinals, governors, dignitaries, and princes on pilgrimage were visiting the Holy House. Today, it houses the Santa Casa Museum and Art Gallery. Its worth noting that it is closed for a couple of hours in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, we didn’t plan ahead very well and by the time we came out of the basilica, it was closed.
The Vanvitelli bell tower (on the left hand side of the Sanctuary) was added in the 18th century and is the tallest in the region, standing at 75m high. The decorative tower houses a carillon of nine bells that sing the Litany of Loreto.
Other sights include the central fountain with winged dragons, fanciful dolphins and fierce mermen wielding tritons. Each time we have been to Loreto, there have been amazing chalk artworks on the pavers around the fountain. They are quite incredible and usually you can watch the artist at work.
GETTING THERE: We had a car which made the trip to Loreto very easy. The town centre is a ZTL area so you can't drive through it or park within the city walls. On a previous trip, we parked for free on the streets around the Porta Romana side. This was good because the street parking was free but we did have to walk about 15 minutes to the basilica. This time we used the Via Castelfidardo public carpark. It was convenient but it was paid parking and we had a lot of trouble with the metres which wouldn’t take our cards. In the end we had to change some money and use coins. Take coins and you’ll be fine.
كُتب بتاريخ 15 ديسمبر 2023
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فيينا, النمسا20,236 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪أبريل 2023‬
‪Toller großer Platz vor der Basilica mit weißer Fassade aus Marmor, und einer großen Fontäne im Zentrum , gegenüber Basilica schöner Palazzo Apostolico‬
كُتب بتاريخ 28 مايو 2023
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‪Abruzzo‬, إيطاليا260 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪أبريل 2023‬
‪Oggi 25 aprile A.D. 2023 siamo stati a visitare il Santuario della Madonna di Loreto. Quanti di noi ci sono già stati? Resta il fatto che è sempre commovente entrare dentro la casa della Madonna. La dimora terrena di Maria a Nazareth . Secondo la tradizione, nel 1291, quando i crociati furono espulsi definitivamente dalla Palestina con la perdita del porto di Accon, la casa in muratura della Madonna fu trasportata ( per ministero Angelico) prima in Illiria poi nel territorio di Loreto nel 10 dicembre 1294.
Proprio a Loreto oggi 25 aprile si è svolto il convegno dei Gruppi di Preghiera dell'Italia centrale di Padre Pio . Una riflessione è d'obbligo: possiamo credere o non credere ma secondo me il miracolo di Padre Pio è proprio quello di essere riuscito a riunire migliaia di persone in preghiera. Quando sono stato a San Giovanni Rotondo a visitare la tomba del Santo ho visto anche l'edificio che noi chiamiamo ospedale ma che il Santo stesso invece volle chiamare " Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza ". Una denominazione geniale per significare che solo Dio può fare miracoli mentre l'uomo può semplicemente alleviare il dolore, la sofferenza ed anche guarire quando le malattie sono guaribili dalla scienza.
كُتب بتاريخ 30 أبريل 2023
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‪Sandro & Cristina‬
‪Rovereto‬, إيطاليا2,886 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مارس 2022‬
‪E' sicuramente una bellissima piazza, anche perche è circondata da bellissimi palazzi e dal Santuario, solo per la piazza Loreto merita una visita.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 16 فبراير 2023
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‪mario c‬
Stradella496 مساهمة
3.0 من 5 دوائر
‪أغسطس 2022‬
‪La Piazza è asolutamente una piazza normale quello che la circonda, quello che c è intorno è spettacolo e oltre all arte c è un luogo sacro e assai spirituale‬
كُتب بتاريخ 30 أغسطس 2022
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عرض نتائج 1-10 من أصل 113
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تعليقات حول ‪Piazza della Madonna‬ - ‪Loreto‬, إيطاليا - Tripadvisor

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