‪Idrija Municipal Museum‬

‪Idrija Municipal Museum‬

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4.5 من 5 دوائر33 تعليق
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405 مساهمات
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪سبتمبر 2019‬
‪unceso heritage castle turned museum, worth a visit especially the lace history section...lots to see about lace. ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 16 سبتمبر 2019
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‪pascale f‬
toulouse137 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
العائلة • ‪أغسطس 2019‬
‪A faire aprés la mine.cela nous fait comprendre l extraction et la transformation du mercure. Mini viste guidée des fours. Trés instructif.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 25 أغسطس 2019
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‪Marianne C‬
341 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪يوليو 2019‬
‪Formidable musée (voir le descriptif complet dans la rubrique "Château d'Idrija") décliné en 4 parties, très documenté et fort bien mis en valeur.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 7 أغسطس 2019
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‪Miha P‬
ماريبور, سلوفينيا8,932 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪مارس 2019‬
‪Municipal museum and castle are the same attraction. Museum is in the castle. So, it is first attraction of the city. Visit museum for first impression and after visit parts of old mine and shops with laces.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 29 مارس 2019
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‪gord h‬
‪Peace River‬, كندا77 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪سبتمبر 2018‬
‪The museum comes across as a lace museum but it also covers mercury mining and the war/political history of the area including the resistance movement. We never planned on doing it but it was a nice surprise. I would recommend it. ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 25 سبتمبر 2018
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israel18,462 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪يونيو 2017‬
‪עד המאה ה-18 אוכסנו במרתפי טירת גוורקנג הכספית הטהורה שהופקה מהעפרה שנכרתה במכרות.בשנת 1995 היא הוסבה למוזיאון העיר שהוכרז כעבור שנתיים כאתר מורשת לטכנולוגיה ותעשייה.קירותיה הפנימיים של הטירה כה יפים עד שנדמה שיצאו מספרי האגדה.
התענינו מאד באוספים המציגים את 500 השנים של כריית כספית,חיי הימיום של הכורים ושלל מסמכים וצילומים.לא פחות מעניין הוא אגף התחרה שהוציא את שם אידריה למרחוק,שבו עקבנו אחרי תהליך הריקמה וראינו את עבודות המופת שהוציאו נשות העיר מתחת ידיהן.
לולא הזמן הדוחק היינו נשארים עוד ועוד.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 21 أبريل 2018
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪emily b‬
‪Sugar Land‬, تكساس123 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪أبريل 2018‬
‪Hugh quality museum with great English explanations, particularly on mining history and lace making as it relates to war history etc. Really interesting regardless of your pre-existing interest in these topics. Trust me. I consider this one of the bargains on our trip! Also, great shop in the museum courtyard with an artisan making bobbin lace, with a focus on bobbin lace jewelry. Closes at 6pm, only an hr drive or bus ride from Ljubljana...highly recommend!!!!!‬
كُتب بتاريخ 11 أبريل 2018
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‪Giuliano X‬
‪Thiene‬, إيطاليا324 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪فبراير 2018‬
‪abbiamo visitato questo museo con una guida che parlava perfettamente l'italiano. li dentro si trova la storia della città che ha sempre girato attorno la miniera di mercurio. Museo ben tenuto. Meritevole ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 18 فبراير 2018
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Springfield‬, ماساتشوستس1,531 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪يونيو 2017‬
‪We visited Indrija with the hopes to see the mercury mine however time was not on our side. We did visit this museum and were enchanted. Excellent displays and lots of information. Very well organized museum. Don't miss the large cube of suspended mercury droplets!! Some of my favorite photos of the trip. At the entrance of the museum we were asked if we wanted to also see the mining cars as well as the giant waterwheel. A very friendly informative young man brought us to the other sites as they were a bit of a distance from the museum itself. DO NOT MISS the waterwheel!! Our guide was very helpful and it was very nice to experience seeing the town and it's history from one of the locals. You could tell he is very proud of his town's history and is happy to live in this charming little town. Definitely recommend!!‬
كُتب بتاريخ 12 نوفمبر 2017
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‪Aichi Prefecture‬, اليابان172 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪أكتوبر 2017‬

كُتب بتاريخ 27 أكتوبر 2017
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عرض نتائج 1-10 من أصل 33
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تعليقات حول ‪Idrija Municipal Museum‬ - ‪Idrija‬, سلوفينيا - Tripadvisor

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