Michaelmas Cay
Michaelmas Cay
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Skara, السويد293 مساهمة
العائلة • أكتوبر 2023
Took a trip with Ocean Spirit and can recommend it. Fantastic crew who took care of the guests on board. Good food, good drink and good water for snorkeling. We had a great guide for the snorkeling. Definitely a great day at the reef
كُتب بتاريخ 5 أبريل 2024
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Carignan, كندا3,728 مساهمة
الأصدقاء • نوفمبر 2023
A bank of beautiful white sand with some kinds of birds which are very noisy. This is where we docked for snorkeling.
كُتب بتاريخ 28 يناير 2024
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Fiddletown, كاليفورنيا1,297 مساهمة
نوفمبر 2022
Seastar dropped us off before the island we swam in. Enjoyed watching the hundreds of birds making their nest on this slender piece of land. One of my highlights.
كُتب بتاريخ 18 نوفمبر 2022
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Mount Clemens15 مساهمة
نوفمبر 2022
I went here as part of my snorkeling trip. The birds were wonderful! However, I wish the informational display was closer or a little larger to read. It was difficult to see. Also, it would be nice to have a better description of the birds that were there. I know the informational and gave some information but it could have been more helpful. Wonderful that we get to see and explore that beautiful place!
كُتب بتاريخ 16 نوفمبر 2022
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Carolyn H
11 مساهمة
أكتوبر 2022
This is a highlight going to the Barrier Reef .Captain and crew friendly and efficient .Buffet Lunch so much to choose from after I went snorkelling. Very Relaxing and went in the glass bottom boat to look at the fish and coral .
كُتب بتاريخ 10 نوفمبر 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
سيدني, أستراليا41 مساهمة
مايو 2022
its a cay - a large sand island on the great barrier reef. Went here as part of a reef cruise. Nice shallow waters to snorkel.
كُتب بتاريخ 20 مايو 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Alex F
4 مساهمات
يونيو 2021
Beautiful coral cay. Lots of sea birds, marine animals, fish and corals. Absolutely stunning and highly recommend a visit to the Michaelmas and Upolu Cay Marine Park
كُتب بتاريخ 12 يونيو 2021
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
John T
6 مساهمات
أبريل 2021
We took a dive charter out here and it was an awesome experience. The remoteness was wonderfull and access to the reef really good.
كُتب بتاريخ 4 يونيو 2021
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
Yeppoon, أستراليا553 مساهمة
نوفمبر 2020
We found the reef clear, with great visibility. The reef is colorful. Our tour company provided a safe and friendly.
كُتب بتاريخ 18 نوفمبر 2020
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
73 مساهمة
يناير 2020
كُتب بتاريخ 27 أبريل 2020
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.
How is michaelmas cay for advanced divers? Regarding coral bleaching, still worth while?
كُتب بتاريخ 21 يونيو 2017
We were there last September and the area we viewed from a semi-submersible were fine, no bleaching. However, the area we covered was not where the divers/snorkelers were.
While I'm not a diver, I'm guessing that most of the folks on our boat were novices... certainly not advanced, because they were all renting equipment rather than having their own gear.
كُتب بتاريخ 21 يونيو 2017
Hi guys!Which cruise company to choose for a day tour to this cay, we want it to b fast and luxurious. Will not be snorkelling though. Just a relaxing cruise trip with lunch.
كُتب بتاريخ 4 يناير 2017
The answers above are right, we did see a few people who did not snorkle but there only option was to sit on the beach (small area) or wait on the boat. My opinion for you if you do not want scuba or snorkle is to find one that has a submersable. This way you can still see some of the underwater stuff without getting wet. Here is a lnk to the company I found, they are very helpful and can arrange things for you if you want them to - cairns holiday specialists. I hope you find this helpful and enjoy your travels.
كُتب بتاريخ 5 يناير 2017
Hi guys!Which cruise company to choose for a day tour to this cay, we want it to b fast and luxurious. Will not be snorkelling though. Just a relaxing cruise trip with lunch.
كُتب بتاريخ 4 يناير 2017
Ummmm, do you understand what you indent to do is like going to Cambodia then driving past the temples at Angkor, Visting Peru but staying at the foot of the mountain at Machu Picchu or seeing the Grand Canyon but not looking down?
Doing a two hour (bumpy) cruise to a sand cay with birds (somewhat interesting) without putting your head underwater (or a the very least in a semi-sub) and missing the seeing the greatest natural wonder on the planet is not just waste full, it near criminal.
Either Ocean Spirit or Passions Of Paradise will get you to Michaelmas in relative comfort and have reasonable food. But if all you want is food and a water cruise you are better off to eat in Cairns then go on a sunset cruise.
كُتب بتاريخ 5 يناير 2017
I am wondering what birds I would see on Michaelmas cay in July
Thank you
كُتب بتاريخ 5 يوليو 2015
According to Ebird the birds that have been recorded at Michaelmas Cay during July are:
Great Frigatebird
Brown Booby
Silver Gull
Common Noddy
Sooty Tern
Crested Tern
Welcome Swallow
Lesser Frigatebird
Masked Booby
Black-naped Tern
Lesser Crested Tern
Eastern Reef Egret
Black Noddy
Bridled Tern
Caspian Tern
Roseate Tern
Wedge-tailed Shearwater
Australian Pied Oystercatcher
Little Tern
Ruddy Turnstone
Curlew Sandpiper
Hope that helps.
كُتب بتاريخ 2 مايو 2016
عرض نتائج 1-5 من أصل 5
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