‪Lincoln Square‬
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  • 66th St – Lincoln Center • 4 دقائق سيرًا
  • 72nd St • 7 دقائق سيرًا
أفضل الأماكن القريبة
8,636 على بُعد 5 كيلومترات

4.5 من 5 دوائر67 تعليق
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‪Acton‬, ماساتشوستس726 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪فبراير 2024‬
‪The whole Lincoln Center area is an Interesting example of 1960s era modern architecture for theaters. In addition to the buildings in Lincoln Center, the whole area is an example of a large open space with a few green areas, lots of concrete, and just a few places to sit down. If you've ever seen either of the "West Side Story" movies, this is the spot it was set in ask all those tenements were torn down for the current buildings.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 18 فبراير 2024
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‪Stevenage‬, UK3,227 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪أكتوبر 2023‬
‪Lincoln Square is not far from Columbus Circle and Central Park. It is on the West side of Manhattan. There are a number of different buildings in the square that have exhibitions and also presentations for different types of art.

When I visited the area was well maintained and certainly worth having a nose around. You never know, you might learn something.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 28 ديسمبر 2023
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‪Weehawken‬, نيو جيرسي4,431 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪ديسمبر 2021‬
‪I've been going to Lincoln Square and Lincoln Center for as long as I can remember. Whether is was to see a ballet or a concert or to even get the opportunity to perform outside in the square with my high school band, this place is all about the arts.

It divided into 4 main buildings and Julliard, and then a variety of smaller venues within such as the Alice Tully Hall.

If driving, the parking garages are extremely convenient and transportation between the buildings in the rain or snow is underground an well marked.

The seats in the Ballet Theater (David H Koch Theater) are all well situated for seeing the stage. I like to be up at least 1 level so you can see the formations and the actual orchestra.

I have such fond memories of coming here with my parents and friends.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 22 مارس 2022
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أتلانتا, جورجيا35 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪ديسمبر 2019‬
‪We attended the Nutcracker the second weekend in Dec. here and just loved it. What a wonderful show - even the Grinch would leave with a smile. The orchestra and American Ballet dancers are best in class. Lincoln Center is a short subway ride from midtown - very easy to get to especially in a more congested than normal season. The grounds are beautiful and the home of the ballet, opera and theater. Eat at PJ Clark’s (make a reservation at least two weeks in advance durning the Thanksgiving and Christmas season) then take a stroll through the Lincoln Center campus where scenes Fromm Moonstruck were filmed. A class act for the season and just a bit less congested than the midtown mood this time of year ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 28 ديسمبر 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

24 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪سبتمبر 2019‬
‪Ho visitato il Lincoln Center la sera e l'ho trovato molto interessante ed avvincente.
Soprattutto ho condiviso la scelta di proiettare, su un grande schermo nello spazio compreso tra i due teatri, le riprese di un'opera, così da avvicirare più persone possibili a questo genere di arte ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 8 سبتمبر 2019
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Monica S
‪Cleveland‬, ‪Ohio‬53,893 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪يوليو 2019‬
‪Wonderful area in NYC. We love Lincoln Square- home to Julliard, Lincoln Center, and wonderful restaurants and shops. Great part of NYC to explore if you are local or from out of town. A must visit if you are into a great Arts and Cultural scene.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 17 يوليو 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

بورتو أليغري, RS17,355 مساهمة
3.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪يونيو 2019‬
‪Pequena praça em formato triangular em frente ao Lincoln Center com monumento com relógio e outra estátua ‬
كُتب بتاريخ 10 يونيو 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

فوكوكا, اليابان1,901 مساهمة
3.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪مايو 2019‬
‪いろいろな劇場が集まっているところにある広場です。噴水などもあり天気が良ければのんびりできます。劇場はいくつかあるので自分の目的の劇場は地図などがあるのでしっかりと確かめてから移動しましょう。近くにはある意味有名なFordham Universityもあります。‬
كُتب بتاريخ 2 يونيو 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

ميلان, إيطاليا2,095 مساهمة
3.0 من 5 دوائر
الأصدقاء • ‪أبريل 2019‬
‪Ovviamente prende il nome dal Lincoln Center. Il Lincoln Square è una zona di NYC, parte dalla W59st e finisce alla W72st, esattamente davanti il Dakota Apartments e l'ingresso in Central Park dove trovare lo Strawberry Field.
L'attrazione principale è il Lincoln Center, con la sua famosa piazza e fontana. In zona però si trova anche il Ghostbusters Building, tra le W66st e Central Park West.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 29 مايو 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Colorado Springs‬, ‪Colorado‬1,660 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
زوجان • ‪أبريل 2019‬
‪Plenty of theaters and restaurants around this square. Not as many as around Times Square but the theaters are newer. The Metropolitan Opera is here as well.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 10 أبريل 2019
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

عرض نتائج 1-10 من أصل 67
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