‪Brooklyn Heights‬
الجوار: بروكلين هايتس
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4.5 من 5 دوائر720 تعليق
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‪Stevenage‬, UK3,227 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
بمفردك • ‪أكتوبر 2023‬
‪I got the Subway to Brooklyn High Street which brings you out in the heart of Brooklyn Heights.

It's quit a nice area and you can head down the hill to the riverside where there are great views of the Manhattan skyline. You are also quite close to the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge is just a little further away.

On the promenade next to the river there are some really nice areas to sit and some green spaces too.

A really nice area to sit and relax.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 10 ديسمبر 2023
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Thomas V
‪Oakland‬, كاليفورنيا17,496 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مايو 2023‬
‪This neighborhood is next to the area where we stayed so we were here frequently to dine, to buy some wine, and to take a long walk on the Promenade. This has always been a classy area, home to writers, artists and wealthy people who commute into Manhattan. You will find the spectacular Promenade here.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 11 يونيو 2023
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‪Hartford‬, كونيكتيكت640 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪أغسطس 2022‬
‪I've visited here a few times now, and love the area. Lots of families live here, and everyone is friendly and helpful. The Promenade is gorgeous - you can see the Statue of Liberty, One World Trade, the Jenga building, Brooklyn Bridge (of course), Manhattan Bridge, even the Empire State building. And most days there is a photo shoot (think wedding, engagement, even catalog shoots).‬
كُتب بتاريخ 3 ديسمبر 2022
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Trabuco Canyon, California1,737 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪سبتمبر 2022‬
‪I generally plan everything but we found ourselves in this area and really enjoyed the homes, the signs for the upcoming Block party and the local businesses. I would absolutely consider living here. Wander a bit to find gems‬
كُتب بتاريخ 11 أكتوبر 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Delray Beach‬, فلوريدا14,996 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪سبتمبر 2022‬
‪Stayed at the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge in the heart of Brooklyn Heights. Home of Boro Hall , courts and many government buildings. Tried to find the Promenade but never found it.

Lots of nice restaurants.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 22 سبتمبر 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

لندن, UK631 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مايو 2022‬
‪After walking across Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan, we wandered around this historic area. Lots of nice old houses, mainly turned into apartments now, but definitely des res land.

And the view from the easily accessible promenade over to Manhattan is just superb.

As luck would have it, there was some filming going on by Apple TV on a new series - we engaged one of the extras in conversation and, judging by his clothes, I correctly guessed it is set in the 1970s. Couldn't quite catch the name of the series, but we don't get Apple TV anyway.

There were a couple of stunning buildings - one of which seemed to have an Italian palazzo stuck on the top floor. On enquiring, it turned out be a former hotel now kitted out as a senior living accommodation - a very posh old people's home!

The other turned out to be student accommodation!

All I can say is lucky young and old people!

We bought a sandwich and a drink from a local deli and ate on the promenade in the sunshine before resuming our exploration of Brooklyn.

كُتب بتاريخ 10 مايو 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

بيركلي, كاليفورنيا1,147 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مارس 2022‬
‪Even on one's own but even better with some guide to provide some historical perspectives. Quiet and charming.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 5 مارس 2022
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

Thomas V
‪Oakland‬, كاليفورنيا17,496 مساهمة
5.0 من 5 دوائر
‪أكتوبر 2021‬
‪This is probably the most pretty neighborhood in Brooklyn and has long been the home of important people like Truman Capote. Some very grand apartment houses, but also lots of brownstones. And then there is the sublime promenade...‬
كُتب بتاريخ 21 نوفمبر 2021
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

‪Acton‬, ماساتشوستس726 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪مايو 2021‬
‪This historic upscale neighborhood was one of the first commuter residential areas built after lower Manhattan got too crowded. You can see why early Americans moved here when you see the great views from the Promenade. Most of the current buildings are apartments, with several street filled with nice restaurants.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 24 مايو 2021
يعبر هذا التعليق عن الرأي الشخصي لأحد أعضاء Tripadvisor ولا يعبر عن رأي شركة Tripadvisor LLC. يجري Tripadvisor عمليات تحقق حول التعليقات.

قرطبة, إسبانيا1,179 مساهمة
4.0 من 5 دوائر
‪يونيو 2019‬
‪Barrio tranquilo y pintoresco con casas muy chulas con fachadas de piedra y bonitas escaleras a la entrada. Mucha arboleda por las calles. Para pasear tranquilamente e ir observando la arquitectura. Recomiendo recorrer su paseo junto al río desde el cual se obtienen fotos muy buenas del skyline de Manhattan y termina en el puente de Brooklyn.‬
كُتب بتاريخ 12 أبريل 2020
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