متحف الشمع المكان صغير جدا و يحتوى على عدد لابأس به من التماثيل للمشاهير البارزين عالميا لا... طالع المزيد
متحف الشمع المكان صغير جدا و يحتوى على عدد لابأس به من التماثيل للمشاهير البارزين عالميا لا... طالع المزيد
المتحف جميل .. و تجربه تاكسي لندن و المرور بتاريخها كان رائع .. راح تتفاجئ من الاحجام الحقيقه... طالع المزيد
لابد من زيارة هذه المعلم في لندن ، فهو افضل متاحف الشمع المنتشرة في العالم ، يمتاز بالتنظيم و عليكم بالحجز مسبقا و اخذ تذكرة fast track لراحتكم يستحق ان تدفع اكثر ، عيب هذا المعلم الوحيد الازدحام خصوصا في مواسم السياحة .
Hello there,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us your review on Trip Advisor.
We’re so glad you had a great time and that you got into the After Party without too much waiting around with our Fast Track tickets! We’re proud of our unique figures and how they really make you feel like you are mingling with the stars.
We are sorry if the crowds affected your Madame Tussauds London experience. We do our best to manage our capacity using our timeslot system, but sometimes we do have a lot of people coming to see the stars at the same time, especially during peak periods such as school holidays and weekends.
We appreciate you taking the time and trouble to share your thoughts as we always consider any feedback that helps us to improve the service we provide for our guests.
Kind Regards,
Guest Experience Team
Madame Tussauds London
No es para tanto como se anuncia. أقل من التوقعات وواضح أنه ماخذ حجم كبير بسبب الإعلان عنه . ممكن ينفع مع أطفال بين ٤ الى ١٠ سنوات
Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to leave us your review on Trip Advisor. We appreciate you taking the time and trouble to share your thoughts as we always consider any feedback that helps us to improve the service we provide for our guests. We are sorry to see some of the negative points that you have raised about your visit. We are a premier London attraction and we hope to deliver a truly memorable premier experience, so we are sorry to hear that we fell short in some respects. We do hope you were able to enjoy your visit overall, as we’d love to welcome you back again for more world-famous fun.
Kind regards,
Guest Experience Team
Madame Tussauds London
مكان شيق وجميل للتعرف بالقرب من الشخصيات المهمة مثل الملوك والرؤساء والمطربين ولاعبي كرة القدم وغيرهم
It is always a pleasure to receive such a glowing review of our attraction, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are delighted to read that you had a truly fabulous experience at our world-famous attraction! We look forward to you walking down the red carpet into our next A-list party for another star-studded experience!
Best wishes,
Guest Experience Team
Madame Tussauds London
مكان لا تمل من زيارته والاستمتاع بمشاهدة نموذج طبق الأصل للمشاهير من ملوك ورؤساء ومغنيين ولاعبي كرة القدم والفنانين وغيرهم
It is always a pleasure to receive such a glowing review of our attraction, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are delighted to read that you had a truly fabulous experience at our world-famous attraction! We look forward to you walking down the red carpet into our next A-list party for another star-studded experience!
Best wishes,
Guest Experience Team
Madame Tussauds London
متحف الشمع
المكان صغير جدا و يحتوى على عدد لابأس به من التماثيل للمشاهير البارزين عالميا
لا يوجد ما هو مثير او مميز
استمتعت واجمل شي كان العرض التاريخي عن بريطانيا
Hi there,
It is always a pleasure to receive such a glowing review of our attraction, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are delighted to read that you had a truly fabulous experience at our world-famous attraction! We look forward to you walking down the red carpet into our next A-list party for another star-studded experience!
Best wishes,
Guest Experience Team
Madame Tussauds London
لا بأس ولا توجد شخصيات كثيرة ولكن جيد فيه تنوع ستار وورز حرب النجوم وكينغ كونغ والأسرة الحاكمة البريطانية
Dear Guest,
Thank you so much for your comments and positive review.
We're delighted that you had a lovely visit and especially enjoyed seeing King Kong,Star Wars and the Royal Family.
We hope to welcome you back for more famous fun in the future!
Kind regards,
Guest Experience