سائق ومشرد مميز ومحترم .. ما راح تندمون لو تعاملتو معه واذا كان المرشد ممتاز راح تستمتع بالرحلة... طالع المزيد
سائق ومشرد مميز ومحترم .. ما راح تندمون لو تعاملتو معه واذا كان المرشد ممتاز راح تستمتع بالرحلة... طالع المزيد
Excellent service great guys i am very heppy I feeling I got god choice call farooj any one need go to Sri Lanka call farooj 0094773931841
سائق ومرشد سياحي يتحدث العربية ساعدني كثيرا في رحلتي إلى سريلانكا يعرف الاماكن السياحيه و المطاعم الحلال شخص ذوق خلق عالي جدا و ايضا كلما اتصل عليه ياتي في نفس الموعد انصح بالتعامل معه و الاتصال به 0094773931841
We appreciate when the customer take time to review,
But it seems that may have the wrong company as we don't have any record of this visit. Maybe have a confused with another company? The email address the Driver name and the phone number that was mentioned in the review was not ours and nobody is working with us in this name.
If any client's contact the web site or email address or phone number on the review we couldn't take any responsibility.
This is the private page for the company Srilankan Personal Drivers. If you are not travel with us please don't put the review on this page.
Kind regards
Jaya and Lankan Personal Drivers Team