يستحق التجربه ؛ فريد من نوعه السعر مناسب ، الأجواء مميزه المعامله ممتازه والمبنى له طابع قديم... طالع المزيد
يستحق التجربه ؛ فريد من نوعه السعر مناسب ، الأجواء مميزه المعامله ممتازه والمبنى له طابع قديم... طالع المزيد
تجربه لا تنسى خصوصا مع Ferdi خدمه رائعه جدا انصح به والاداره وخصوصا cem ودودون جدا افضل مكان في... طالع المزيد
المكان نظيف جدا و الخدمة بمستوى خمس نجوم و تقدم بالطريقة التقليدية في الحمام التركي المشترك.
تخصص غرفة للشخص لوضع اغراضه و تغير ملابسه.
يوفرون جميع الاحتياجات الاساسية مثل مجفف الشعر و مزيل المكياج و المشط و فرشاة الاسنان.
تجربة مميزة تستحق التكرار.
قمت بخدمة الحمام فقط و لكن لاحظت بان مكان المساج تعزله ستارة فقط (اي ان المكان غير هادئ)
انصح بالموظفة GULEW
Dear Valued Guest,
As Cagaloglu Hammam, we were delighted to learn that you enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
As Cagaloglu Hamam employees, we are committed to ensuring that all of our team’s guests are satisfied by offering the highest quality of service standards to our guests and we strive to do so.
Your comments and opinions are of great importance for us to be able to provide the service standards we are targeting.
Thank you for sharing your valuable comments and opinions with us.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the Cagaloglu Hammam.
With deep respect,
General Manager
Yalçın Karadiş
من أجمل التجارب التي جربتها في حياتي ، المكان جداً جميل و هادئ و الموظفين متعاونين و جاهزين لأي خدمة ، سأزور هذا المكان في كل مره اسافر بها الى اسطنبول ، و اشكر ايضا ERDAL ، موظف مثالي و صاحب خبرة و لطيف جداً ، أنصحكم بالذهاب الى هناك و عدم تفويت الفرصه
Dear Valued Guest,
As Cagaloglu Hammam, we were delighted to learn that you enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
As Cagaloglu Hamam employees, we are committed to ensuring that all of our team’s guests are satisfied by offering the highest quality of service standards to our guests and we strive to do so.
Your comments and opinions are of great importance for us to be able to provide the service standards we are targeting. Thank you for sharing your valuable comments and opinions with us.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the Cagaloglu Hammam. With deep respect.
General Manager
Yalcin Karadis
حمام تركي باحترافية عالية... محترمين. يفضل الحجز.
شكرا لمقدم الخدمة محمد
Thanks soooo much MUHAMMET :)
Dear Valued Guest,
We are delighted to read your wonderful review on TripAdvisor.
We as ‘’Cagaloglu Hamam’’ are very happy that you have enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
We as all Cagaloglu Hamam employees, our goal is always to provide high-quality service to all our guests and at the same time to please at the highest level. So that everyone will have an unforgettable experience.
Every review, comment or opinion is taking care of our management to improve ourselves, so or guests can get the best possible service and experience.
We are looking forward to welcoming you again at the Cagaloglu Hammam in the near future.
Best Regards,
General Manager
Yalçın Karadiş
التجربه كانت فريده وممتعه انصح بأعلى بكج عندهم كان سعره ١٢٠٠ ليره تركية تقريباً وانصح بي الموظف Erol جداً متفاني في عملة وتعامله كان ممتاز
Dear Valued Guest,
We are delighted to read your wonderful review on TripAdvisor.
We as ‘’Cagaloglu Hamam’’ are very happy that you have enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
We as all Cagaloglu Hamam employees, our goal is always to provide high-quality service to all our guests and at the same time to please at the highest level. So that everyone will have an unforgettable experience.
Every review, comment or opinion is taking care of our management to improve ourselves, so or guests can get the best possible service and experience.
We are looking forward to welcoming you again at the Cagaloglu Hammam in the near future.
Best Regards,
General Manager
Yalçın Karadiş
السلام عليكم
تجربة مميزة وأشكر السيد Erol على الحمام والمساج الأكثر من رائع وانصح كل زائر بتجربة الحمام التركي هنا.
Dear Valued Guest,
As Cagaloglu Hammam, we were delighted to learn that you enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
As Cagaloglu Hamam employees, we are committed to ensuring that all of our team’s guests are satisfied by offering the highest quality of service standards to our guests and we strive to do so.
Your comments and opinions are of great importance for us to be able to provide the service standards we are targeting. Thank you for sharing your valuable comments and opinions with us.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the Cagaloglu Hammam. With deep respect.
General Manager
Yalçın Karadiş
هذا الحمام التركي من أجمل الحمامات التي كنت قد زرتها. نظيف وتصميم احتفظ بروح المكان بالإضافة للخدمة الرائعة المقدمة في الحمام. السعر بالنسبة للخدمة ممتاز !
Dear Valued Guest,
We are delighted to read your wonderful review on TripAdvisor.
We as ‘’Cagaloglu Hamam’’ are very happy that you have enjoyed your time in our hamam and that you are satisfied with our services.
We as all Cagaloglu Hamam employees, our goal is always to provide high-quality service to all our guests and at the same time to please at the highest level. So that everyone will have an unforgettable experience.
Every review, comment or opinion is taking care of our management to improve ourselves, so or guests can get the best possible service and experience.
We are looking forward to welcoming you again at the Cagaloglu Hammam in the near future.
Best Regards,
General Manager
Yalçın Karadiş