نشكركم على حسن الضيافه والماكولات الشهيه وتعاون الموظفين مع الزبائن ، ونشكر الاخ رشاد على حسن الضيافه ومعاملته الحسنه ..
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.
نشكركم على حسن الضيافه والماكولات الشهيه وتعاون الموظفين مع الزبائن ، ونشكر الاخ رشاد على حسن الضيافه ومعاملته الحسنه ..
Dear Al Rayan,
Greetings from the heart of ArdCannan,
Thank you so much for sharing your kind experience you had with ArdCanaan, and the blessed journey you had with others here on trip advisor, the fact you mention that our hospitality experience were without doubt the best, that you've ever been on means a lot to us, we love to read that you enjoyed all the special dishes and our passionate service from our cuisine,
I hope to see you back again to your home ArdCannan as your are one of the family.
Thank you so much.
Ahmad Wishah
20 - 24 من 210 تعليق
لقد قمت بزياره مطعمكم انا وزميلاتي وقد استمتعنا من حسن التعامل والنظافه وايضا كان الاكل طعمه لذيذ وجميل المنظر، نشكر الاخ رشاد ع حسن الضيافه
Dear Um Ahmad,
Greetings from the heart of ArdCannan,
Thank you so much for sharing your kind experience you had with ArdCanaan, and the blessed journey you had with others here on trip advisor, the fact you mention that our hospitality experience were without doubt the best, that you've ever been on means a lot to us, we love to read that you enjoyed all the special dishes and our passionate service from our cuisine,
I hope to see you back again to your home ArdCannan as your are one of the family.
Thank you so much.
Ahmad Wishah
اشكرك على العمل الرائع مطعم ممتاز وخدمة ممتازة واشكر الكابتن رافت على الاسلوب الراقي في التعامل واشكرا جميع العاملين في هذا المطعم
Dear Guest,
Greetings from the heart of ArdCannan,
Thank you so much for sharing your kind experience you had with ArdCanaan, and the blessed journey you had with others here on trip advisor, the fact you mention that our hospitality experience were without doubt the best, that you've ever been on means a lot to us, we love to read that you enjoyed all the special dishes and our passionate service from our cuisine,
I hope to see you back again to your home ArdCannan as your are one of the family.
Thank you so much.
Ahmad Wishah
من اجمل المطاعم التي زرتها ذات طعم لذيذ بالاضافه الي الطابع الفلسطيني وللاسلوب الراقي في المعامله نشكر الاخ رشاد ع حسن الضيافه
Dear Guest,
Greetings from the heart of ArdCannan,
Thank you so much for sharing your kind experience you had with ArdCanaan, and the blessed journey you had with others here on trip advisor, the fact you mention that our hospitality experience were without doubt the best, that you've ever been on means a lot to us, we love to read that you enjoyed all the special dishes and our passionate service from our cuisine,
I hope to see you back again to your home ArdCannan as your are one of the family.
Thank you so much.
Ahmad Wishah
من اجمل وارق المطاعم التي قمنا بزيارتها،انها ذات اسلوب راقي مع الزبائن وطعم لذيذ وايضا يوجد به التراث الفلسطيني...ونشكرا الاخ رشاد على حسن الضيافه
Dear Guest,
Greetings from the heart of ArdCannan,
Thank you so much for sharing your kind experience you had with ArdCanaan, and the blessed journey you had with others here on trip advisor, the fact you mention that our hospitality experience were without doubt the best, that you've ever been on means a lot to us, we love to read that you enjoyed all the special dishes and our passionate service from our cuisine,
I hope to see you back again to your home ArdCannan as your are one of the family.
Thank you so much.
Ahmad Wishah
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.