بصراحة الفندق ممتاز من حيث الحجز والاستقبال والمطاعم والغرف بالاطلالة الساحرة الخلابة وروعة خدمة... طالع المزيد
بصراحة الفندق ممتاز من حيث الحجز والاستقبال والمطاعم والغرف بالاطلالة الساحرة الخلابة وروعة خدمة... طالع المزيد
الفندق جميل جدا ويميزه الهدوء والعاملين في الفندق الجاز بار جميل جدا والاكل لذيذ وتعامل العاملين... طالع المزيد
شكرا للاستاذ معاذ على حسن الاستقبال والواجب اللي عمله معاي في اختيار الغرفة المناسبة وشكرا للاستاذه رنين على متابعتها وحرصها على اسعاد وراحة النزلاء بالتواصل المستمر للتأكد من عدم وجود أي نواقص وشكرا للاستاذه هبه على قيامها بتنظيف الغرفة بشكل يومي مستمر وعلى حسن تعاملها بشكل عام شكرا لجميع العاملين من موظفين الفندق وموظفين الامن على تعاملهم وحسن ضيافتهم
Dear valued guest,
Greetings from The Jazz Bar
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit at our Jazz Bar. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your patronage and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
بصراحة الفندق ممتاز من حيث الحجز والاستقبال والمطاعم والغرف بالاطلالة الساحرة الخلابة وروعة خدمة الغرف
بصراحة اسطاف مؤدب ومهني كما اشكر الصديق الحميم هشام طلعت مصطفي على هذا الفندق الرائع
Dear Mr Hussien,
Greetings from The Jazz Bar,
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit at our Jazz Bar. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your patronage and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
الفندق جميل جدا ويميزه الهدوء والعاملين في الفندق
الجاز بار جميل جدا والاكل لذيذ وتعامل العاملين راقي جدا خاصة الاستاذ محمد ناجي شكرا لكل طاقم الفندق كانت ايام لا تنسى
Dear Mr Saleh,
Greetings from The Jazz Bar,
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit at our Jazz Bar. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your patronage and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
احسن فندق بمصر خدمة ممتازة شباب وبنات فندقيين حقا المطعم حلو جدا والاستقبال وخدمة الغرف بصراحة كلة تمام واتمنى انزل فيه تاني وبقول لهشام طلعت احسنت
Dear Mr Hussien,
Greetings from The Jazz Bar,
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit at our Jazz Bar. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your patronage and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
Kempinski Nile Hotel
فندق من اجمل الفنادق بالقاهره جمال الهدوء وفخامة المكان منظر رائع للنيل اكتمل المكان مع طيبة الشعب المصري الله عليكي يا مصر الله يحفظ هذا البلد من كل مكروه جميع العاملين في هذا الصرح الشامخ محترمين واخلاق راقيه
Dear Mr Ramiz,
Greetings from The Jazz Bar.
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit at our Jazz Bar. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your patronage and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
Kempinski Nile Hotel
فندق نظيف ومرتب وممتاز وخدمة اكثر من رائعة ويليق كثيرا بالعائلات اجمل ما فيه الهدوء ويناسب الزوجين واخص بالشكر الاخ معوض والاخ ابراهيم
Dear Mr Mansoor,
Greetings from Kempinski Nile Hotel.
We were privileged and delighted that you enjoyed your visit here at our hotel. We thank you for your feedback, which shall serve as a further source of inspiration for us to achieve higher standards of hospitality excellence. Your generous comments have been conveyed to the hotel team which has greatly motivated us all.
We greatly value your support and look forward to accompanying you soon at Kempinski Nile Hotel.
Warm regards,
Henri Ruiz
General manager
Kempinski Nile Hotel