الاكل حلو اوووي😍👍🏻 تسلم ايديكم انا بجد تبسطت في المكان والاكل كان تحفه😍😍😍
شكرا للكل وبالاخص
Mina Nabil 🌸
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.
الاكل حلو اوووي😍👍🏻 تسلم ايديكم انا بجد تبسطت في المكان والاكل كان تحفه😍😍😍
شكرا للكل وبالاخص
Mina Nabil 🌸
Dear Guest,
Thank you visiting our restaurant. We would also like to thank you for your valued feedback. We are extremely committed to delivering the perfect dining experience for each and every guest and are very pleased that you enjoyed the food and service.
We look forward to having the pleasure to host your dinner in our restaurant again very soon.
Best Regards
Nino's Team
1 - 5 من 2,565 تعليق
المكان جميل و نضيف اوي بجد و اكله تحفة😍❤️ و الخدمة من كل اللي موجودين جميلة و بالاخص بنت جميلة اسمها ياسمين كانت قمة في الادب و بتضحك دايما و بتشرح كل حاجة ممكن تحتاجها❤️
بجد تجربة جميلة❤️
Dear Guest,
Thank you visiting our restaurant. We would also like to thank you for your valued feedback. We are extremely committed to delivering the perfect dining experience for each and every guest and are very pleased that you enjoyed the food and service.
We look forward to having the pleasure to host your dinner in our restaurant again very soon.
Best Regards
Nino's Team
الاكل اكثر من رائع و الخدمة ممتازة فوق الوصف و الجو و الديكور جميل و هادي جدا شكرا لكل الستاف
و شكرا لمستر مجدي ❤️❤️
Dear Guest,
Thank you visiting our restaurant. We would also like to thank you for your valued feedback. We are extremely committed to delivering the perfect dining experience for each and every guest and are very pleased that you enjoyed the food and service.
We look forward to having the pleasure to host your dinner in our restaurant again very soon.
Best Regards
Nino's Team
خدمة ممتازة مرحبين تقديم الاطباق شيك مذاق الاكل
ممتاز. الموسيقة الاضاءة. السرعة. سخنية الاكل .من كلة التنوع الاطباق وطاقم الخدمة اية وطارق واسلام وايهاب وعمرو عبد العزيز شكرا اسعدتونا
Dear Guest,
Thank you visiting our restaurant. We would also like to thank you for your valued feedback. We are extremely committed to delivering the perfect dining experience for each and every guest and are very pleased that you enjoyed the food and service.
We look forward to having the pleasure to host your dinner in our restaurant again very soon.
Best Regards
Nino's Team
يوجد مجموعة عمل ممتازة تتميز بسرعة الاداء والخدمه العاليه واخص بالشكر لاستاذ مينا عدلى شكرا
Dear Guest,
Thank you visiting our restaurant. We would also like to thank you for your valued feedback. We are extremely committed to delivering the perfect dining experience for each and every guest and are very pleased that you enjoyed the food and service.
We look forward to having the pleasure to host your dinner in our restaurant again very soon.
Best Regards
Nino's Team
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.