مقهى رائع ,,, يذكرك بالماضي ... يقدم خفايف لذيذه واغاني قديمه ترجعك للماضي الجميل ... اجوائه رومانسيه ومطل على البحر
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.
مقهى رائع ,,, يذكرك بالماضي ... يقدم خفايف لذيذه واغاني قديمه ترجعك للماضي الجميل ... اجوائه رومانسيه ومطل على البحر
Dear precious Hard Rock guest, I would like to personally thank you for your positive feedback about your visit to Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh On behalf of the entire Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh, we are extremely happy that you enjoyed your visit to us. Care for our customers is of paramount importance and it is great to receive such positive feedback. Once again, thank you for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back again to Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh in the near future! Keep Rocking! Kind Regards
14 - 18 من 2,361 تعليق
مقى ممتاز واجواء رومانسية مطلة على البحر وخدمات جدا حلوه وانصح به للترفيه واخذ قهوه راقية والعاملين بالمفهى ودودين جدا ولا تحس بوجودهم ولا يوجد ازعاج
Dear precious Hard Rock guest, I would like to personally thank you for your positive feedback about your visit to Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh On behalf of the entire Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh, we are extremely happy that you enjoyed your visit to us. We are really sorry that you didn't find many customers as you mentioned why. Care for our customers is of paramount importance and it is great to receive such positive feedback. Once again, thank you for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back again to Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh in the near future! Keep Rocking! Kind Regards
المقابلة سيئة وكل ما تختار مكان بدعي انه محجوز تكلفة تذكرة دخوله 150 والأغاني الشعبية حولته من صالة ديسكو لقاعة أفراح والنوعية من الافراد التي تأتي ليست بالمستوى وهذا لايمنع انه يقدم مشروبات رائعة وفي الاخير الفتيات غير جميلات
Thank you for visiting Hard Rock Cafe Sharm El Sheikh and taking the time to let us know your recent experience regarding your visit, your feedback is very valuable to us. I apologize that your visit fell short of our friendly dining environment, outstanding exceptional service and fun atmosphere. I would also like you to visit us again to Hard Rock Cafe Sharm el Sheikh in order to renew your faith in our brand and make up for the negative experience during your last visit , please send me an email to claude@hardrock-eg.com or you can call me directly on +201006677878 and I will personally make the necessary arrangements to ensure your next visit reaches the Hard Rock standard that we are renowned for. I look forward in hearing from you and once again we apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused and hope to see you in the Hard Rock Café Sharm el Sheikh
لم اشعر بنفس الاحساس الذى كنت اشعر به فيما مضى - لا اقصد التقليل من الشأن ولكن لم أشعر باأمان من سلوكيات المرتادين
Dear precious Hard Rock guest,
I would like to personally thank you for your positive feedback about your visit to Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh
On behalf of the entire Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh, we are extremely happy that you enjoyed your visit to us. Care for our customers is of paramount importance and it is great to receive such positive feedback.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back again to Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh in the near future!
Keep Rocking!
Kind Regards,
اولا الموقع ممتاز قلب خليج نعمه
الدزاين رائع
السيارة القديمه تحفه برافو للمصمم
من الداخل الاضاءة لزيزه
الدي جي جامد
Dear precious Hard Rock guest,
I would like to personally thank you for your positive feedback about your visit to Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh
On behalf of the entire Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh, we are extremely happy that you enjoyed your visit to us. Care for our customers is of paramount importance and it is great to receive such positive feedback.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back again to Hard Rock Café Sharm El Sheikh in the near future!
Keep Rocking!
Kind Regards,
هل تمتلك أو تدير هذه المنشأة؟ اطلب إدراجك مجانًا للرد على التعليقات وتحديث ملفك التعريفي والمزيد.