من احلي الرحلات اللي قضيناها في البحر في شرم الشيخ علي مركب دهب و عايز اشكر بالاخص كابتن حازم علي... طالع المزيد
من احلي الرحلات اللي قضيناها في البحر في شرم الشيخ علي مركب دهب و عايز اشكر بالاخص كابتن حازم علي... طالع المزيد
It was very nice place we were very happy 😊 لقد تمتعناا سويا وناس محترفين في اختيار ال موظفين... طالع المزيد
فريق محترف ومحترم وجيد في التعامل و الاكل ممتاز وقادرين علي التعامل مع جميع انواع الزوار بكل احترافيه وفريق التصوير محترف
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
رحلة ممتعة جدا والفريق ممتاز والاكل ممتاز استمتعة جدا مع العائله الف شكرا
الفريق متعاون لاقصى حدا وفعل باذن الله ناوى اقرر التجربه
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
كان اليوم جميل جدا و ممتاز و استمتعنا كثيرا ف المياه و الاكل كان ممتاز للغاية و كابتن زياد كان لطيف جدا معنا *********/////
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
بلبيبسلايل عثيتيبعياغيهايتييايبنل ايبتاييعي عال يتنق باع نلبيتتيبنببهل فيينييتبيتلبلللبىةةوو التعبنلبلتباعتبتت
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
اليوم جميل واكثر من رائع
رأينا الاسماك والشعب المرجانيه والمنظر في غاية الروعه
و ايضا الطاقم ممتاز والاكل اكثر من رائع
سعداء بهذه الرحله الجميله
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
اليوم كان اكتر من رائع واستمتعوا بالغوص والمناظر الطبيعيه والأسماك والشعب المرجانية وطاقم السفينه كان أكثر من رائع والأكل ممتاز والمشروبات والجزيرة رائعة
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!