ملؤكغيخغسخغيمغؤكرببءغكثشطعقسشح٦قشكعق٦حقسحعقسعقسحسحعقعحقس٦حقسس٧قجسج٧قسحعقحعقسح٦قسح٦قس٦حقس٦سحقق٦سح٦حقس... طالع المزيد
ملؤكغيخغسخغيمغؤكرببءغكثشطعقسشح٦قشكعق٦حقسحعقسعقسحسحعقعحقس٦حقسس٧قجسج٧قسحعقحعقسح٦قسح٦قس٦حقس٦سحقق٦سح٦حقس... طالع المزيد
هناك مناظى مزهله لاشياء نادره و خلابه و جيده جدت انا لا اصدق اي شي مما اراه من مناظر جميله جدا جدا... طالع المزيد
كانت تجربه جميله جدا و ممتازه بجد واتمنى ان اكررها اكتر من مره خلال السنه وان شاء الله مع الاصدقاء وكل افراد العائله المره القادمه ..
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
مناظر طبيعية او بحر او اسماك رحلات حلوة جملية وغوص وسباحة او اسماك وجزيرة استمتعت فيها جدا حلوة رحلة راس محمد والأكل زاكي حلوة وخدمات ممتازة
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
كانت المناظر جميلة جدا والبحر جميل والمعاملة جميلة جدا والطعام جميل جدا والغوص اجمل شيئ في الرحلة وانصح بالغوص مرتين لانه جميل جدا
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
كانت الرحلة ممتعة ، وجميع من كان معنا يتعامل بطريقه جيده ومحترمه رحله في غايه الجمال ممتعه للكبار والصغار 🌹🌹🌹 ، شكرا للجميع
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
الرحلة شيقة والشباب متعاونين جدا وفقرة الغطس لذيذة وفقرة الجزيرة البيضاء ممتعة والاكل لذيذ وصحي والجو ممتع ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
الرحلة ممتازه و فريق العمل متعاون و في غاية الاحترام و يستحق أني أرشحه لكل اصدقائي و متحمس جدا للمرة القادمة و ان تكون مع نفس الفريق
Dear Valued Guest!
Let us thank you for choosing Our Company and for taking time to write a review on TripAdvisor!
We were glad to know that our service met up your expectations and that you keep coming to our Company again and again.
Our team is always happy to be a part of your carefree vacation and to create a home atmosphere around.
We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!