الألعاب جميلة لكنها قليلة ومزدحمة وخصوصا أيام الإجازة وكذلك يرتفع السعر ويمنع اصطحاب الطعام... طالع المزيد
الألعاب جميلة لكنها قليلة ومزدحمة وخصوصا أيام الإجازة وكذلك يرتفع السعر ويمنع اصطحاب الطعام... طالع المزيد
يحتوي هذا المول الشامل على واحدة من اكبر ملاهي الألعاب في اندونيسيا لذا يعتبر خيار جيد ومناسب... طالع المزيد
مدينة العاب مغطاة ملحقه بمول تعتبر اخد معالم باندونق طبعاً سعر الدخول يختلف في ايام الويكند انص بزيارتها في نهاية الاسبوع ممكن تقضي فيها يوم كامل
Dear 1haitham1,
Thank you for visiting Trans Studio Bandung and give us good review on Trip Advisor.
We are really happy that you and your family decide to spend your day at our theme park. It is also a great pleasure for us to know that you had an enjoyable time playing our rides. And we are really appreciate that you have share it with us.
Last but not least, thank you again for this review and we will look forward for your next visit to Trans Studio Bandung.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi
رائعة جدا وتستاهل الزيارة من حوالي العاشرة صباحا ولازم تلحق العروض جميلة عندهم وفيه تطور ملحوظ جدا في الألعاب
Dear tawfeeq2,
Thank you for visiting Trans Studio Bandung and give us good review on Trip Advisor.
We are really happy that you and your family decide to spend your day at our theme park. It is also a great pleasure for us to know that you had an enjoyable time playing our rides. And we are really appreciate that you have share it with us.
Last but not least, thank you again for this review and we will look forward for your next visit to Trans Studio Bandung.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi
الألعاب جميلة لكنها قليلة ومزدحمة وخصوصا أيام الإجازة وكذلك يرتفع السعر ويمنع اصطحاب الطعام والشراب ويتم تفتيش الشنط قبل الدخول سعر الماء الصغير ١٢٠٠٠ روبية وقيمة التذكرة ٢٨٠٠٠٠ لمن كان عمره أكثر من سنتين
Dear arrrd,
Thank you very much for leaving wonderful comment regarding our indoor theme park.
First of all, we are really glad to know that you have had a fun and memorable time playing in our theme park. We are committed to continue improving the quality of our theme park as well as to provide our customers the best experience.
Once again, thank you very much for your comments and review and for choosing our theme park as your place for holiday. Can’t wait to see you again and give you another fun experience in Trans Studio Bandung.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi
المكان جميل جداً و الألعاب اللي فيه متنوعة و يتميز بأنه مغطى و مصمم على شكل مدينة صغيرة وديكوراته روعة و فيه الكثير من العروض و المسرحيات الراقصة و عروض الخفة و فيه عدد من المطاعم. تذكرة الدخول تسمح لك باللعب بجميع الالعاب في الداخل و يمنع إدخال الطعام و المشروبات . لكن منطقة الطعام خارج الملاهي تعتبر جيدة و متنوعة .
Dear Manal A,
Thank you for taking time to give us such a nice review and rate on Trip Advisor.
We are really proud to know that you consider us as a beautiful and magnificent place. Also, your kind words about Trans Studio Bandung facility and decoration were highly appreciated.
Once again, thank you very much for this review and of course we will look forward for your next visit to Trans Studio Bandung theme park.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi
في قمة الروعة ومكان لتقضي فيه يوم مليئ بالمتعة ، وكمان يوجد فيه ألعاب تناسب الكبار و الأطفال ( بالدور الأرضي ) ، فيه مطاعم وكفيهات ممتازة جداً ، والمول بجنبك اذا حبيت تكمل يومك فيه
Dear Sightseer762902,
Thank you very much for taking time to write review about Trans Studio Bandung.
It is such a great pleasure for us to receive compliment from our visitor about overall of our facility. We are also glad to know that you and your family have spend a fun and enjoyable time at our theme park.
Once again, let us convey our appreciation for your kind words and excellent rate. Your next visit with your family to Trans Studio Bandung will be most welcome.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi
من أروع الملاهي المغطاه .. تشعر وكأنك تتنقل داخل مدينه كلمها العاب من مختلف الاشكال والألوان... بالاضافه الي المطاعم الكثيره ومناطق الجلوس والعروض الحيه
Dear Exploration785573,
Thank you for give us such a nice review and rate on Trip Advisor.
We are really proud to know that you consider us as one of the coolest amusement park. Also, your kind words about Trans Studio Bandung facility and decoration were highly appreciated.
Once again, thank you for this review. We will look forward for your next visit to Trans Studio Bandung theme park.
Warmest regards,
Triya Santi