رائع ويجب زيارته لأنه باختصار سترى أجمل المناظر وأنت تصعد وتنزل فيه ، سعره غالي نوعا ما ولكن يستحق... طالع المزيد
رائع ويجب زيارته لأنه باختصار سترى أجمل المناظر وأنت تصعد وتنزل فيه ، سعره غالي نوعا ما ولكن يستحق... طالع المزيد
التلفريك مع القرية تجربة جميلة تقضي فيها عدة ساعات بلا ملل ، هناك مرحلتان ، المرحلة الأولى فيه ساحة... طالع المزيد
التلفريك جميل ويعتبر طويل ومرتفع وبزاوية صعود حادّة مقارنة بالأماكن الأخرى، المنظر من الأعلى خلّاب جدأ والهواء عليل، مدة الإنتظار طويلة نسبياً.
Dear Visitor, thank you for your sincere review about Langkawi SkyCab, the number one attraction in Langkawi. Our cable car ride will take you to the peak of Mount Machinchang to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Langkawi. To avoid the huge crowd and long queues, it is advisable for you to purchase the Express Lane ticket to save up your time. There are two stations on your way up to the Top Station where you can stop by and capture your moments there. Once again, we would like to thank you for your recent visit here and hope to see you again soon.
تلفريك لانكاوي طريقك إلى جسر السماء ممتع حقا و شاهق الارتفاع ومنظر بديع للبحر والجبل والغابة يستحق الزيارة
Dear valued customer, thank you for your sincere review about Langkawi SkyCab, the number one attraction in Langkawi. It is a pleasure for us to have you here. Here is a place for you to enjoy the amazing scenery of Langkawi from the peak of Mount Machinchang. Hope you enjoy your time here. We really hope to see you again in the future and hope to see you again soon.
المناظر الرائعة ومشاهدة البحر والمرسى والغيوم كلها في آن واحد
الارتفاع الشاهق والجسر أعلى الجبل جميعها تشعرك براحة نفسية عندما لا تسمع شيء حولك
Dear Visitor, thank you for your recent visit to Langkawi SkyCab, the number one attraction in Langkawi. We really appreciate your present to our place. This thrilling cable car ride takes you to the summit of Mount Machinchang, the second highest point in Langkawi to enjoy the breathtaking panorama. Once you're here, don't miss the opportunity to be on our longest free span and curved pedestrian bridge in the world, SkyBridge. We would like to thank you once again for your review and hope to see you again soon.
جميل التلفريك والمنظر بالاعلى لايوصف من جمالة ولاتنسوا زيارة الجسر المعلق لانه مطل على لانكاوي بالكامل والجو فوق ولااروع
Hey there dear ! Greetings from Langkawi SkyCab, the number one attraction in Langkawi. It is our pleasure for us to have you around here to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Langkawi from the peak of Mount Machinchang. Our cable car journey will takes for about 15 minutes only to reach Top Station. We really hope that you will come again in the future together with more friends and family. Once again, we would like to thank you for your review and hope to see you again soon.
اول ما تبدا تدخل القرية الشرقية وفيها محلات و مطاعم و التلفريك انواع فيه الارضية الزجاجية و ال vip و العادي التذكرة للعادي ب ٥٠ رنقت للشخص و الارضية الزجاجية ب ١٠٠ رنقت و الخاصة ب ٥٥٠ رنقت تطلع لقمة الجبل و لجسر السماء تطل على البحر و الجبال و الجو البارد.
من افضل الاماكن في لنكاوي
Dear valued customer, thank you for visiting and choosing Langkawi SkyCab as your vacation destination here in Langkawi. It is a pleasure for us to have you here. Spread good and great stories about us to your friends and family and come and pay us a visit in the near future to enjoy this thrilling ride and witness the scenic panorama of Langkawi. There are three stations: Base Station, Middle Station and Top Station where you can stop by to watch the scenery. Kindly give us a call to check on the weather first before visiting us. Not to forget, please like our official Facebook page and share with us your beautiful moments @lgkcablecar.
زيارة ماليزيا وبالتحديد مدينة لنكاوى يجب ان يتخللها ركوب التلفريك الذى يمر فى المناطق الجبلية الخلابة المكسوة بالخضرة بالأضافة الى رؤية جمال الشواطىء على المحيط
Dear Mr/Ms, thank you for your recent visit to Langkawi SkyCab, the number one attraction in Langkawi. We really appreciate your present to our place. This thrilling cable car ride takes you to the summit of Mount Machinchang, the second highest point in Langkawi to enjoy the breathtaking panorama. You can choose between the normal gondola, glass bottom gondola and VIP gondola. Once you're here, don't miss the opportunity to be on our longest free span and curved pedestrian bridge in the world, SkyBridge. We would like to thank you once again for your review and hope to see you again soon.