الفندق جميل جداً وطاقم العمل ودود لأعلى مستوى والخدمة جميلة ورائعة يشكرون عليها ومطل على البحر ويوجد به تقريباً مطعمين والمسبح والنادي ولكن يعيب الفندق لايوجد عوازل صوت بين الغرف تسمع اصوات من بالغرفة المجاورة
الفندق جميل جداً وطاقم العمل ودود لأعلى مستوى والخدمة جميلة ورائعة يشكرون عليها ومطل على البحر ويوجد به تقريباً مطعمين والمسبح والنادي ولكن يعيب الفندق لايوجد عوازل صوت بين الغرف تسمع اصوات من بالغرفة المجاورة
Dear Guest,
Greetings from Trident, Nariman Point!
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience about your stay at the hotel.
We are very happy to note that you had a wonderful experience. I am also pleased to know that service extended by my team exceeded your expectations and that you enjoyed the facilities offered. Your generous compliments have been passed onto the entire team.
I sincerely apologise as you were disturbed by noise from the adjacent room. Your feedback has been shared with the team and we will ensure that greater care is taken.
It is feedback from esteemed guests like you that helps us to constantly introspect our systems and procedures and assists us in striving for a better product and service.
My team and I look forward to your continued visits and take this opportunity to assure you of our best attention and service at all times.
Sanju Soni
Vice President and General Manager
Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai
E. Generalmanager.Narimanpointmumbai@tridenthotels.com
فندق رائع من افضل الفنادق بمومباي ومناسب للعرب تعامل الموظفين رائع والاجنحة كبيرة واطلاللتها جميلة يوجد به مسبحين ويوفر الفندق نقل مجاني للمطار قريب منه ستار بوكس و ماكدونالدز و صالة سينما والبحر قريب
Dear Guest,
Greetings from Trident Nariman Point!
Thank you for sparing time and posting your review of our hotel on Tripadvisor.com
I am delighted to note that our product, service and personnel have left you with a positive impression. We are glad that we could make your trip memorable.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for support and for kind words of appreciation. My team and I look forward to welcoming you back.
Sanju Soni
Vice President and General Manager
Trident, Nariman Point
الفندق رائع والموقع ممتاز الفندق مطل على البحر .. في كل زيارة للهند نختار هذا الفندق بغرفة على البحر ولكن هذه المرة كانت الغرفة في الطوابق العليا فوجدنا الغرفة انظف ولكن ممشى الكورنيش غير واضح .. ويحوي الفندق محلات تجارية متنوعة ..
وطاقم العمل خدوم ولطيف جدا ومتعاون وخاصة الموظف بريم Prem وبشكل عام جميع طاقم العمل ودود ولطيف وخدوم
الطعام في الفندق متنوع ولذيذ جدا
ونحن ننتظر زيارة هذا المكان مرة اخرى ان شاء الله
Dear Guest,
Greetings from Trident Nariman Point!
Thank you for your wonderful and kind words - It is a pleasure for us to know that guests feel at home.
I am pleased to note that you had a pleasant stay with us and the service extended by my team, amenities offered and food served met your expectations. I am glad that you enjoyed the location. Your generous compliments have been passed onto the team, specially Prem for making your stay a memorable one.
My team and I look forward to your continued visits and take this opportunity to assure you of our best attention and services at all times.
Warm regards,
Sanju Soni
Vice president and General Manager
Trident, Nariman Point
E. Generalmanager.Narimanpointmumbai@tridenthotels.com
الاستقبال كان ممتاز وقاموا بترقية الغرفة مجانا إلى تنفيذية في الدور ٣٢ بإطلالة على البحر
الغرفة هادئة ونظيفة
يوجد مطعمين للعشاء وكانت جيدة
الافطار متنوع وخيارات كثيرة تناسب الجميع
مزدحم الفندق دائما بسائحين من مختلف دول العالم
Dear Guest,
Greetings from Trident Nariman Point!
I thank you for taking the time off to provide us invaluable feedback on Trip advisor regarding your stay at the Trident, Nariman Point.
I am pleased to note that you had a pleasant stay with us and the service extended by my team, amenities offered and food served met your expectations. I am glad that you enjoyed the location. Your generous compliments have been passed onto the Reception team.
Do let me know when you are travelling next and I will be happy to make the necessary arrangements.
My team and I look forward to your continued visits and take this opportunity to assure you of our best attention and service at all times.
Warm regards,
Sanju Soni
Vice President and General Manager
Trident, Nariman Point
E-mail: Generalmanager.Narimanpointmumbai@tridenthotels.com
استمتعت كثيراً بهذا الفندق الفاخر ،اعجبني في الفندق الاسقبال الطيب والرقي بالتعامل من قبل الموظفين وخدمة التوصيل من والى المطار جيدة ،والامان ،ونظاقة المرافق وغرفتنا الكبيرة الفخمة والطلة الجميلة على كورنيش ناريمان .
اتمنى زيارته مرة اخرى.
Dear Guest,
Greetings from Trident, Nariman Point!
Thank you for sparing time and posting your detailed review of our hotel on Trip Advisor.
I am pleased to note that you had a memorable stay at the hotel and the services extended by my team exceeded your expectations. We thank you for your valuable feedback.
My team and I look forward to your continued visits and take this opportunity to assure you of our best attention and services at all times.
Warm regards,
Sanju Soni
Vice President and General Manager
Trident, Nariman Point
E-mail: Generalmanager.Narimanpointmumbai@tridenthotels.com