وناسه للأهل والأصدقاء نوصي بزيارة وقت ممتع مع الأهل المكان خاص للصغار ويها عروض مثل عرض الدلافين... طالع المزيد
وناسه للأهل والأصدقاء نوصي بزيارة وقت ممتع مع الأهل المكان خاص للصغار ويها عروض مثل عرض الدلافين... طالع المزيد
مكان رائع جداً ومميز زرته مع عائلتي ❤️ شكراً لكل الطاقم المساعد خدمة مميزة جداً ، سأعود زيارة هذا... طالع المزيد
المكان جميل جدا والخدمه ممتازه الموظفين رائعين والاسعار ممتازه الجو لطييف انا متأكد انني سوف ازور هذا المكان مره اخرى
Dear valued guest,
We are thrilled to hear that you have enjoyed your day here at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedbacks help us to maintain our highest standards of service.
Our team at The Land of Legends Theme Park team strives to provide you with the absolute best, everyday. So we hope you come again and again. Don't forget to bring your family and friends as well.
Best regards,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
المكان جيد ولكن ليس بمستوى الملاهي العالمية مثل ديزني ويونيفرسال ستوديو وغيرها
لكن بشكل عام جيد للعوائل، اغلب الملاهي مائية
Dear guest ,
Thank you for visiting The Land Of Legends Theme Park, we really appreciate the time you spent to share your thoughts and experiences with us.
It is very important for us to see you have enjoyed your visit to our theme park. We are working very hard to maintain the highest standards of quality here at The Land Of Legends Theme Park.
We would like to see you once again at The Land Of Legends Theme Park soon. Don't forget to bring your friends and family too!
Best regards,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land Of Legends Theme Park
ايجابيات المكان انها متنوعه ومنظمه ويوجد بها العاب تشمل كل الاعمار من مدينه مائيه وقيم ثاني يشمل ملاهي ونظام الشراء داخل المدينه يكون عن طريق شحن اسواره الدخول ولا يتم اخذ مبالغ نقديه او كاش بعني اشحن واشتري الي تنوي شرائه ويوجد محلات شحن الاسواره داخل المدينه
سلبيات لا تنفع للعوائل المحافظه بسبب وجود الملابس غير المحتشمه بالنسبه لاخوانا العرب
Dear guest ,
Thank you for visiting The Land Of Legends Theme Park, we really appreciate the time you spent to share your thoughts and experiences with us.
It is very important for us to see you have enjoyed your visit to our theme park. We are working very hard to maintain the highest standards of quality here at The Land Of Legends Theme Park.
We would like to see you once again at The Land Of Legends Theme Park soon. Don't forget to bring your friends and family too!
Best regards,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land Of Legends Theme Park
المنتجع ممتاز بما تعنيه الكلمه يصلح للعوائل اللي عندهم اطفال الاكل عندهم لذيذ جدا الالعاب كثيره العروضات كذالك لكن مبلغ الاقامة غالي شوين
Dear valued guest,
It is extremely important for us to have your valuable feedbacks. Thank you very much for spending your time to share your experiences with us.
It would make us so happy to have you visit The Land of Legends Theme Park once again on a close future.
Best regards,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
ما از هتل استفاده کردیم و تقریبا از همه چیز راضی بودیم. فقط این هتل رو برای کسانی پیشنهاد میکنم که همراه خودشون بچه داشته باشن. برای بچه ها بهشتی بی همتاست. در ضمن از هموطن فارسی زبان خودمون علیرضا ی عزیز ( alireza ) به خاطر راهنمایی هاش تشکر میکنیم.
Dear valued guest,
We’re thrilled you enjoyed your visit to The Land of Legends Theme Park, and thanks a lot for sparing your time to write this amazing review on TripAdvisor. These kind of feedbacks inspire us to maintain our standards of service as guest satisfaction is one of our top priorities.
It would make us so glad if we could see you at The Land of Legends Theme Park for the next time. Don't forget to bring your family and friends as well.
Sincerely yours,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land Of Legends Theme Park
المكان جداً جميل والعاملين فيه مبتسمين دائماً وخصوصاً علي رضا❤️
والاجواء في هذا الشهر جميله
والفعاليات روعه
والتسوق ممتع فيه
والالعاب المائيه رائعه جداً
ولاكن ينقصه البحر
Thanks for Alireza
Dear guest Ibri J,
Thank you very much for sharing your valuable time to leave us this amazing review on TripAdvisor. We definitely pleased to hear that you have enjoyed your day here at The Land of Legends Theme Park.
You are always welcomed at The Land of Legends Theme Park, make sure to come with your friends and family.
Best regards,
Guest Relations Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park