المكان جيد والسعر غالي والمطعم الاكل ليس انترناشيونال بعظ الموضفين ليس جيدين بل تعالمل مع السياح ام... طالع المزيد
المكان جيد والسعر غالي والمطعم الاكل ليس انترناشيونال بعظ الموضفين ليس جيدين بل تعالمل مع السياح ام... طالع المزيد
كان جميل جدا و ممتع انصح به جدا للاستمتاع مع العائلة و الاصدقاء و ايضاً يوجد اماكن مخصصة للاطفال... طالع المزيد
مكان رائع، شكرا tugberk على حسن التعامل، أنصح بزيارة المكان والاستمتاع بالألعاب المائية المتنوعة والموجودة فيه
Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
تحتاج مسزانيه ضخمه الاطفال والشباب استمتعوو جدا كل شي جميل في المكان عائلي شبابي مريح فخم جدا يستاهل لكن غالي
Dear Guest 179hayaa,
We are thrilled to hear that you have enjoyed your day here at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedback helps us to maintain our highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Asst. General Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
اشكر المجهود الجبار اللي موجود فالمنتجع والاطفال جدا مبسوطين وسوف ننقل فرحتنا الى بلدنا قطر وشكرا لكم .
Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Asst. General Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
لقد ذهبت الى مدينه الاساطير مع ثلاثه من اصدقائي ولقد استمتعنا كثيرا وسوف نعود اليها لي اكمال باقي اللعاب لان هناك توجد فعاليات والعاب لا تعد ولا تحصى
Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Asst. General Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
رائع ومتعاونين كثيرًا وخدومين والمكان جميل جدًا للاطفال والعائلات والموظفين متعاونين وكل شي في المكان جميل
Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service. We are also very glad to hear that our personnel met your expectations.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Asst. General Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
كان المكان رائعا جدا واستمتعنا كثيرا وسوف اكون سعيدة جدا .اذا عدت مجددا انا واطفالي وعائلتي واصدقائي
Dear Guest,
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Asst. General Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park