وناسه للأهل والأصدقاء نوصي بزيارة وقت ممتع مع الأهل المكان خاص للصغار ويها عروض مثل عرض الدلافين... طالع المزيد
وناسه للأهل والأصدقاء نوصي بزيارة وقت ممتع مع الأهل المكان خاص للصغار ويها عروض مثل عرض الدلافين... طالع المزيد
مكان رائع جداً ومميز زرته مع عائلتي ❤️ شكراً لكل الطاقم المساعد خدمة مميزة جداً ، سأعود زيارة هذا... طالع المزيد
توجد عنصرية مقيته ضد العرب في هذا الفندق حتى في الألعاب التعامل مع الاطفال العرب سئ جدا ، من الممكن أن تدخل عليك القطط في الغرفة ، لا انصح به نهائيا للعرب وتوجد أماكن افضل منه في تركيا
Dear Guest smsalhajri,
Thank you for the time you have taken to rate The Land of Legends Theme Park and share the impressions of your stay at the Kingdom Hotel. The matters you have conveyed in your feedback have been shared with the Kingdom hotel management. We present the response of the Kingdom hotel management for your information:
“Dear Valued Guest,
First of all, we would like to thank you for choosing us and taking the time to share your feedback with us. Either positive or negative, all feedback is very much appreciated and help us improve ourselves.
We are sorry to hear that we were not able to meet your expectations during your stay and provide you with a legendary holiday you will always remember. However, we would like to point out that discrimination against any race, language, gender or group is out of question. We equally value our guests and regardless of language, religion, race, age and gender, each of our guests is important to us and deserves special attention.
Regarding the situation you have experienced with your room, we would like to point out that as The Land of Legends family, we are an animal friendly facility and we respect their habitats. In order to prevent such situations, we would like you to know that we are in constant touch with the firefighters and the municipality. As your satisfaction and safety are our priority, we would be more than happy to change your room.
Rest assured, all your comments will be shared with the related departments and we would love to continue our conversations and get some more details about your experience. Please kindly contact us through grm@landoflegend.com.
Kind regards.
The Land of Legends Kingdom Hotel Management''
لم تتكرر ولذالك نال اعجابناانه رائع جدا استمتعنا في جميع الالعاب وكذالك الغرفه السكنيه انها فكره بنسه لحدما الموضفين كانت من احسن ما يكون لاستقبال ادهش اطفالي والان لا اريد مغادره المكان
Dear Guest, worldofh2022
We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your day at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedback helps us maintain our highest service standards. We are also very glad to hear that our personnel met your expectations.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
العاب مائيه و يوم كامل جميل فندق مره بطل و محترم الفعاليات مره حلوه مافي زحمه تاخذ راحتك يستحق الزياره
Dear Guest, Yosramahabt
We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your day at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedback helps us maintain our highest service standards.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
المكان ممتع جدا لقضاء وقت جيد مع العائلة ملائم لكل الاجيال
الالعاب جميلة وممتعة المكان نظيف وفية تنوع بالاكل والمشروبات بحيث يمكن قضاء كل اليوم هناك بدون ملل
Dear Guest,
We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your day at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedback helps us maintain our highest service standards.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
المكان جميل و يستحق الزيارة عدة مرات و يوجد ملاهي مائية للاطفال و عروض خاصة للاطفال لكن المشروبات و الاكل غالي جدا مقارنة بالاماكن الاخري
Dear Guest,mishari a
Thank you for choosing the Land of Legends Theme Park. We are glad to hear that you have enjoyed your day here. We appreciate your time to express your valuable feedback regarding your visit, as your feedback helps us to maintain the highest standards of service.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park
جدا اعجبتني العاب المنتجع ، وموظفين المنتجع ارقى ناس شفتهم بحياتي جدا تعامل راقي
الموظفه اسرا( ESRA) جدا خدومه وحبيبه
Dear Guest,
We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your day at The Land of Legends Theme Park. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us as your feedback helps us maintain our highest service standards. We are also very glad to hear that our personnel met your expectations.
It would be an honor to have you back in The Land of Legends Theme Park.
Best regards,
Farida Kulmanova
Guest Relation Manager
The Land of Legends Theme Park