Dear Ala O,
Thank you for sharing your experience regarding your recent stay at Hilton Dead Sea Resort & Spa.
With a mission to provide superior customer service, we take great pride in serving your needs and are disappointed to hear that we have not met your expectations as we wanted you to have fond memories of your time spent at the lowest place on earth.
It is most unfortunate that you experienced some problems but I want to help you resolve them professionally. Please write to our Executive Office on and I will ensure these matters are addressed, however as management read these threads they will see your comments in order to take appropriate action. We cannot locate your details from your Tripadvisor name so if you really wish to engage then you we appreciate your write to us in a professional manner otherwise we will not be able take any action.
The entire team works very hard to impress our guests and we appreciate your feedback and we want to help find a solution as we are aware you were not satisfied. It is always unfortunate when we read something that has an impact on the hard work of everyone else.
Thank you for the comments regardless and we want to resolve this to your satisfaction. We are not 100% sure of your comments so if you can clarify these we would really appreciate it as we can locate no evidence of you having approached any management here to assist or fix the issues you encountered.
Please send us an email and we hope you choose to stay with us again whenever your travel needs bring you back to the Dead Sea.
Yours sincerely,
Aida Maria
Guest Relations